Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- The city space management XHES003
- The Design Principles GS3122
- The Design Principles GP3031
- The Design Principles GN3121
- The Design Principles GN3031
- The Design Principles GB3025
- The Design Principles GS3025
- The drawing and the sculpture I AX01016
- The drawing and the sculpture I AK1016
- The drawing and the sculpture II AX02016
- The drawing and the sculpture II AK2016
- The drawing and the sculpture III AX03026
- The drawing and the sculpture III AK3036
- The dynamics of processes in systems of the water supply and the effacement of sewage ID5016
- The EU structural funds and subsidies GPS2219
- The EU structural funds and subsidies GPS216
- The EU structural funds and subsidies GP2S21013
- The history of garden art I (general history) AK1269
- The history of garden art I (general history) AK1269*
- The history of garden art II (gardens polish) AK1374
- The history of garden art II (gardens polish) AK1374*
- The History of the City Development GP2018
- The History of the Urban Planning GS1103
- The History of the Urban Planning GS1018
- The History of the Urban Planning GN2018
- The History of the Urban Planning GN1103
- The History of the Urban Planning GB1018
- The History of the Urban Planning - Electives AK1482B
- The informative technology D17316
- The informative technology AX03025
- The mass and heat transfer in continuous matter - selected problems ID3008
- The Methodics of the Didactics ID1003
- The Methodics of the Didactics BD1003
- The optimization of processings in the cleaning of water and sewage ID4013
- The organization and the management AI04021
- The planning of experimental research ID2006
- The planning of experimental research BD2006
- The plants in the urban environment AK2217
- The Probility Theory, the Statistics and the Stochastics ID1001
- The Probility Theory, the Statistics and the Stochastics BD1001
- The protection of the surface Earth ID4012
- The Role of Dead Wood in the Forest LWN1006
- The role of old trees and dead wood in the forest LWN1006A
- The selection and use of plants in the gardens AK5023
- The Selection, Seed Production and Nursery L5021A
- The Selection, Seed Production and Nursery LN5021A
- The symbolism of gardens HES II AK2222
- The Urban Planning Design GN5062
- The Urban Planning Design II GS5137
- The Urban Planning Design II GS5032
- The Urban Planning Design II GP6063
- The Urban Planning Design I GP5062
- The Urban Planning Design I GB4031
- The Urban Planning Design I GS4134
- The Urban Planning Design II GN5135
- The Urban Planning Design II GN4132
- The Urban Planning Design II GB5032
- The use of biotechnology in environmental protection BT1505C
- Thematic Cartography O12008
- Thematic Cartography IS-FCEE-00149
- Thematic Cartography GS4138
- Thematic Cartography GN4136
- Thematic Cartography G02701
- Thematic Cartography G01701
- Thematic Cartography IS-FCEE-00149S
- Thematic Cartography GP1S51048
- Thematic Cartography IS-FCEE-00149-1S
- Thematic Cartography (Elective subject ) GPS201
- Theoretical Mechanics NO2062.
- Theoretical mechanics N02316
- Theoretical Mechanics N01316
- Theoretical mechanics ENB01316
- Theoretical mechanics CBSE1116
- Theoretical mechanics B02316
- Theoretical Mechanics B02062
- Theoretical Mechanics B02061
- Theoretical mechanics B01316
- Theoretical mechanics B1N21012
- Theoretical mechanics IS-FCEE-00141S
- Theoretical mechanics (E) ENB02416
- Theoretical mechanics (E) B1S21012
- Theory and calculation metod of optymalization BD3013
- Theory and calculation metod of optymalization BD3008
- Theory of agricultural and forestry machines IR1305
- Theory of agricultural machines RSN1408
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X63118
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X63119
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X31118
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X12324
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X11118
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X02210bk
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X01118
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity L12324
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity L01210kbi
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity L01210bk
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity L01118
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity X02210kbi
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity B2S21111
- Theory of food processing machines IR1306
- Theory of machines for agriculture RS1408