Summer Semester 2009/10
Technology of information AX04019
Course content:
The basis the technician computer, the processing the texts the, spreadsheet sheets, of base of data, graphic artist manager and prezentacyjna, service in computer nets, logging and the processing the information - required to obtainment of European Certificate of Computer Skills ( the ECDL - the European the Computer the Driving the Licence).
Learning outcomes:
The student is introducted with basic information with range of building and the working of personal computers, operating systems and the usable software. The capture of skill service computer and the usable programmes (the system the operating Windows, editor of text, the spreadsheet sheet, base of data) as well as the skill of help the applications to prewiew of internet sides.
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Tadusiewicz R.: Wstęp do informatyki. Kraków, POLDEX, 1997
2. Wróblewski P.: ABC komputera. Gliwice, HELION, 2000
3. Jachimek S.: Komputer PC dla każdego, Gliwice, HELION, 2000
4. Korol M. : Excell 5 PL. Krok po kroku, WNT, 2005
5. Kaczor P. :Komputer od podstaw, MIKOM, Warszawa 2004
b) supplementary references: