Courses on Bialystok University of Technology
- (in Polish) Usługi wirtualne i hybrydowe II IS05740II
- (in Polish) Projektowanie usług informatycznych II IS06735II
- (in Polish) Innovative entrepreneurship and technology transfer IS-FME-00263S
- (in Polish) Manufacturing techniques IS-FME-00264S
- (in Polish) Career management IS-FME-00260S
- (in Polish) Communication in processor systems IS-FME-00261S
- (in Polish) Creating and financing startups IS-FME-00262S
- (in Polish) Financial Management IS-FM-00076S
- (in Polish) Sport animation IS-FM-00080S
- (in Polish) Maintenance of buildings IS-FCEE00177S
- (in Polish) Protection of building objects against moisture and corrosion IS-FCEE00178W
- (in Polish) General construction IS-FCEE00179W
- (in Polish) Computational methods IS-FCEE00182S
- (in Polish) Welding structures IS-FME-00216S
- (in Polish) Measuring and control signals IS-FME-00212S
- (in Polish) Roads I IS-FCEE00183S
- (in Polish) Chemistry of forest environment IS-FF-00027W
- (in Polish) Biodiversity conservation of forest areas IS-FF-00038S
- (in Polish) Design of pneumatic system IS-FME-00210S
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy IS03339
- (in Polish) Manufacturing techniques IS-FME-00164W
- (in Polish) Programming of industrial robots IS-FME-00265S
- (in Polish) Intellectual property IS-FME-00266W
- (in Polish) Advanced biomaterials and research methods IS-FME-00266S
- (in Polish) Artificial Intelligence IS-FME-00267S
- (in Polish) Thermodynamics IS-FME-00267W
- (in Polish) Biocybernetics IS-FME-00268S
- (in Polish) Planning research experiments and measurements IS-FME-00269S
- (in Polish) Advanced manufacturing techniques in biomedical engineering IS-FME-00271S
- (in Polish) Thermal Engineering IS-FME-00272S
- (in Polish) Urban design - sustainable downtown area in the city IS-FA-00090S
- (in Polish) Modelling of anatomical structures IS-FME-00270S
- (in Polish) Specjalność: ogrzewnictwo i wentylacja ISNM-OiW
- (in Polish) Specjalność: wodociagi i kanalizacje ISNM-WiK
- (in Polish) Entrepreneurship with AI implementation IS-FM-00113S
- (in Polish) Entrepreneurship with AI implementation IS-FM-00113W
- (in Polish) Bionics and biomimetics IS-FME-00273S
- (in Polish) Design IS-FA-00079S
- (in Polish) Experimental Design IS-FA-00080S
- (in Polish) Installations in Sustainable Architecture IS-FA-00091S
- (in Polish) BIM IS-FA-00091W
- (in Polish) Human biochemistry IS-FME-00274S
- Library training. ISBIBL
- "Natura 2000" european ecological network IS-FCEE-00073S
- 3-D Modeling and Computer Animation IS-FME-00136
- 3D-Modeling and Computer Animation IS-FEE-10068S
- Active vibration control methods IS-FME-00131
- Active Vibration control methods IS-FME-00131W
- Active vibration control methods IS-FME-00131S
- Additive techniques of manufacturing IS-FME-00220
- Additive techniques of manufacturing IS-FME-00220S
- Additive techniquesof manufacturing IS-FME-00220W
- Advanced Cax systems IS-FME-00186S
- Advanced course of programming in Python IS-FME-00179
- Advanced course of programming in Python IS-FME-00179W
- Advanced course of programming in Python IS-FME-00179S
- Advanced Database Systems and Data Warehouses IS-FCS-00028
- Advanced Database Systems and Data Warehouses IS-FCS-00028S
- Advanced Human-Computer Interaction and Application Usability IS-FCS-00082
- Advanced Human-Computer Interaction and Application Usability IS-FCS-00082S
- Advanced Human-Computer Interaction and Application Usability IS-FCS-00082W
- Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Technics IS-FCS-00090
- Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Technics IS-FCS-00090W
- Advanced technologies of building materials and prefabricated elements IS-FCEE-00218S
- Advanced technologies of building materials and prefabricated elements IS-FCEE-00218W
- Advanced Technology of Manufacturing IS-FME-00225
- Advanced Technology of Manufacturing IS-FME-00225W
- Air Conditioning IS-FME-00192
- Air conditioning and Ventilation systems I IS-FCEE-00108W
- Air conditioning and ventilation systems II IS-FCEE-00107W
- Air conditioning systems IS-FCEE-00107
- Air Protection IS-FCEE-00025
- Air protection IS-FCEE-00025W
- Air-Conditioning IS-FME-00192W
- Algorithmics - Selected Issues IS-FCS-00098S
- Algorithmics - Selected Issues IS-FCS-00098W
- Algorithms and Data Structures IS-FCS-00020
- Algorithms and Data Structures IS-FCS-00020S
- Algorithms and Data Structures IS-FCS-00020W
- Alternative Energy Sources IS-FCEE-00105S
- Alternative Energy Sources IS-FCEE-00105-1W
- Alternative Energy Sources IS-FCEE-00105-1S
- Analitical Mechanic IS-FME-00175
- Analytical chemistry IS-FCEE-00227S
- Analytical chemistry IS-FCEE-00227W
- Analytical Mechanics IS-FME-00175S
- Analytical models of heat conduction IS-FME-00219
- Analytical tools in management and service engineering IS03727
- Antennas and Propagation IS-FEE-20006S
- Antennas and propagation (MASTER) IS-FEE-20006
- Application of Computer Science in Electrical Engineering IS-FEE-10039
- Application of Computer Science in Electrical Engineering IS-FEE-10039W
- Application of computer software in the design of heating systems IS-FCEE-00136
- Application of computer software in the design of heating systems IS-FCEE-00136W
- Application of IT for design of water supply and sewage systems IS-FCEE-00212W
- Applied Computational Mechanics IS-FME-00183
- Applied Computational Mechanics IS-FME-00183W
- Applied Computational Mechanics IS-FME-00183S
- Architectural Design - Educational building IS-FA-00089
- Architectural Design - Educational building IS-FA-00089S