Courses at
Faculty of Architecture
- Architectural Survey Training AUI4097
- Architectural Survey Training AUI2096
- Artistic expression IS-FA-00076
- Artistic expression IS-FA-00076W
- Artistic workshop PG2097
- Artistic workshop GR2097
- Basics of Design Graphics 1 PG1303
- Basics of Design Graphics 1 PG1002
- Basics of Design Graphics 2 PG2304
- Basics of Design Graphics 2 PG2002
- Basics of Photo Editing PG1021
- Basics of Photo Editing PG3021
- Basics of Printing Technology PG5017
- Basics of Workshop Graphics 1 PG3001
- Basics of Workshop Graphics 2 PG4001
- Building Construction 1 AWN3035
- Building Construction 1 AWIP3035
- Building Construction 1 AWI3035
- Building Construction 1 AW3035
- Building Construction 2 AWN4035
- Building Construction 2 AWIP4035
- Building Construction 2 AWI4035
- Building Construction 2 AW4035
- Building Construction and Materials AUN6018
- Building Construction and Materials AUMN1020
- Building Construction and Materials AUM1020
- Building Construction and Materials AU6018
- Building Construction and Materials 1 AUN1018
- Building Construction and Materials 1 AUIN1018
- Building Construction and Materials 1 AUI1018
- Building Construction and Materials 1 AU1018
- Building Construction and Materials 2 AUN2018
- Building Construction and Materials 2 AUI2018
- Building Construction and Materials 2 AU2018/8
- Building Construction and Materials 2 AU2018
- Building Construction and Materials 3 AUN3018
- Building Construction and Materials 3 AUIN3018
- Building Construction and Materials 3 AUI3018
- Building Construction and Materials 3 AU3018
- Building Construction and Materials 4 AUN4018
- Building Construction and Materials 4 AUI4018
- Building Construction and Materials 4 AU4018
- Building Construction and Materials 6 AUI6018
- Building Constrution and Materials 5 AU5018
- Building Constrution and Materials 5 AUN5018
- Building Detailing AWN7036
- Building Detailing AWII4023
- Building Detailing AWI7036
- Building Detailing AW7036
- Building Information Modeling AUII2028
- Building Instalations AWN2019
- Building Instalations AW2019
- Building Instalations AUN5019
- Building Instalations AU5019
- Building Installations AWN4019
- Building Installations AWI4019
- Building Installations AW4019
- Building Law AWN5057
- Building Law AWI5057
- Building Law AW5057
- Building Law AUN7057
- Building Law AUI7031
- Building Law AU7057
- Building Law AWIP3057
- Building Law AWIP5057
- Building Law AUI8031
- Building Physics AWN3054
- Building Physics AW3054
- Building Physics AUN5054
- Building Physics AU5054
- Building Physics (Acoustics) AWI5054
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 1 AUMN1022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 1 AUM1022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 1 AUIIN1022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 1 AUII1022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 1 AUIIE1022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 2 AUMN2022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 2 AUM2022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 2 AUIIN2022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 2 AUII2022
- Building Structures - Computer Modelling 2 AUIIE2022
- Building structures 1 - Timber and Masonry AUN3017
- Building structures 1 - Timber and Masonry AUI3017
- Building structures 1 - wood and masonry AUIN3017
- Building Structures 1- Timber and Masonry AU3017
- Building Structures 2 - Reinforced- Concrete AUI4017
- Building Structures 2 - Reinforced-Concrete AUN4017
- Building Structures 2 - Reinforced-Concrete AUIN4017
- Building Structures 2 - Reinforced-Concrete AU4017
- Building Structures 3 - Metal Structures AUN6017
- Building Structures 3 - Metal Structures AU6017
- Building Structures 3 - Metal Structures AUI6017
- Building Surveying Practice AWN4098
- Building Surveying Practice AWI4098
- Building Surveying Practice AW4098
- Communication with Elements of Self - Presentation AWIP4036
- Communication with Elements of Self - Presentation AWIP3036
- Communication with Elements of Self-Presentation AWIP6037
- Computer Aided - Photoshop AWI2071
- Computer Aided Architectural Design I IS-FA-00074W