Courses at
Faculty of Engineering Management
- Practice of Marketing Research ZSU03547
- Practice of Marketing Research ZSU02547
- Social and Economic problems in the modern world PS06511
- Social Communication ZS04058
- Social Communication ZN04085
- Social Communication TS06085
- Social Communication TN06085
- Social Communication TN02085
- Academic entrepreneurship KSU02704
- Academic entrepreneurship KSU02704.
- Academic entrepreneurship KNU02704
- Academic writing ZSUA03674
- ACCA Audit ZSU03791
- ACCA Audit ZNU03791
- ACCA Budgeting and Performance Management ZSU01770
- ACCA Budgeting and Performance Management ZNU01770
- ACCA Financial Management I ZSU03792
- ACCA Financial Management I ZNU03792
- ACCA Financial Management II ZSU04792
- ACCA Financial Management II ZNU04792
- ACCA Financial Reporting ZSU02790
- ACCA Financial Reporting ZNU02790
- ACCA Management Accounting ZSU01787
- ACCA Management Accounting ZNU01787
- ACCA Tax Systems I ZSU01789
- ACCA Tax Systems I ZNU01789
- ACCA Tax Systems II ZSU02789
- ACCA Tax Systems II ZNU02789
- Accountancy ZSUP03051
- Accountancy ZSUL01051
- Accounting ZSUP02107
- Accounting ZS05107
- Accounting ZS04107
- Accounting ZS03107
- Accounting ZNUP04107
- Accounting ZN06107
- Accounting ZN05107
- Accounting ZN04107
- Accounting ZN03107
- Accounting KS05107
- Accounting KN02107
- Accounting KS02107
- Accounting Software ZSUL02118
- administration low TSU02393
- Advanced MS Excel Applications ZSU02260
- Advanced MS Excel Applications ZS05260
- Advanced MS Excel Applications ZN05260
- Advanced MS Excel Applications LS05260
- Advanced MS Excel Applications LN05260
- Advanced MS Excel Applications KSU03260
- Advertisement and public relation in TSL sector LS06838
- Advertisement and public relation in TSL sector LS05838
- Advertisement and public relation in TSL sector LN06838
- Advertisement and public relation in TSL sector LN05838
- Advertisement and public relation in TSL sector LN03838
- Advertisement and public relation in TSL sector LS03838
- Advertising ZS05342
- Advertising ZN05342
- Agrotourism TS05431
- Agrotourism TN05431
- Algorithms and Data Structures ZSU01570
- Algorithms and Data Structures ZNU01570
- Analysis of logistics services' market LS07836
- Analysis of logistics services' market LN07836
- Analysis of productivity ZNU02380
- Analysis of productivity LS06380
- Analysis of productivity LS05380
- Analysis of productivity LN06380
- Analysis of productivity KSU01380
- Analysis of social network KSU03654
- Analysis of social network KNU03654
- Analysis of the ASEAN countries’ markets ZSU02756
- Analysis of the Chinese market ZSU02754
- Analysis of the Indian market ZSU02758
- Analysis of the Japanese market ZSU03760
- Analytical Mechanics KSU02439
- Analytical tools in management and service engineering IS03727
- Animal and crop production TS05415
- Animal and crop production TN05415
- Animals in agritourism TSU02492
- Animals in agritourism TSU02460
- Animals in agritourism TNU02492
- Application of artificial intelligence techniques in logistics LN041006
- Application of artificial intelligence techniques in logistics LS041006
- Applications of Project Management Software ZSUP04266
- Art LS02356
- Artificial Intelligence Methods ZSU01116
- Artificial Intelligence Methods LN03363
- Artificial intelligence methods KSU02363
- Artificial intelligence methods KSU01363
- Artificial Intelligence Methods LS04363
- Artificial intelligence methods LN04363
- Artificial Intelligence Methods for Management ZSUP03116
- Artificial Intelligence Methods for Management ZSUL02116
- Artificial Intelligence Methods for Management ZNUP03116
- Audit, certification and management of suppliers KNU021024
- Audit, certification and management of suppliers KSU021024
- Automation and robotization in service engineering IS05794
- Automation and Robotsation in Furniture Engineering IMN06886
- Automation and Robotsation in Furniture Engineering IMS06886