Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Graphic (Elective I) AK1218A
Mastering the skills and principles of techniques and visual graphics. Recognition of different techniques including computer graphics in expressing their artistic creation. Practical use of artistic language resource for design work. The technologies used in the graphic arts visual messages artistic creations (poster, illustration, lettering, website, multimedia shows) compositions on the plane and the virtual space.
Term 2012L:
None |
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
(in Polish) Wymagania
Course coordinators
Term 2012L: | Term 2013L: |
Learning outcomes
1 student defines the types of graphic techniques used in the studies in the field of landscape architecture.
2 student differentiates ways to present vegetation using various graphic techniques.
3 student interprets using graphic means of invoice.
4 student illustrates the elements of the landscape using known techniques printmaking
5 present prepared to develop clearly in the use of computer technology
Assessment criteria
1 Class design on a given topic. Participation in the corrections and individual assessment of student work. In the evaluation criteria based on knowledge of technique and creative thinking
2 Partial assessment of individual work done. The final evaluation.
Practical placement
not applicable
1) Smith R., Tajemnice warsztatu artysty: malarstwo, rysunek, grafika artystyczna, narzędzia, techniki, materiały, MUZA, Warszawa 1997; 2) Dydo K., Mistrzowie polskiej sztuki plakatu, Wydawnictwo Buffi, Bielsko Biała 1995; 3) Mrowczyk J., Projektowanie graficzne w Polsce, Wydawnictwo Karakter, Kraków 2010; 4) Faskiel J.,Polska Grafika lat 90tych, Wydawnictwo Buffi, Bielsko Biała 1996;
Term 2012L:
None |
Term 2012L:
None |