(in Polish) Politologia, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia (POLDZN)(in Polish: Politologia, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
first-cycle (non-technical) programme full- time studies, 3 years Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólny
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Access requirements
possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure
Teaching standards
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educational standards in accordance with the directive of the Minister of National Education and Sport dated 18 April 2002 concerning the description of educational standards for particular study courses and education levels (Dziennik Ustaw, No. 116, item 1004) including further amendments in accordance with the directive of the Minister of National Education and Sport dated 3 November 2003 (Dz.U.Nr 210 poz. 2040). The standards define general course requirements including the number of teaching hours, graduate's profile, curricula for individual courses including subjects of general, core and specialist education as well as requirements and recommendations concerning internship.
Learning outcomes
Resolution No. 35/51/2012 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 24 May 2012 on determining learning outcomes for first cycle courses in the field of Political Science at Bialystok University of Technology
P – learning outcomes for the field of study
W – category of knowledge
U – category of skills
K – category of social competence
01, 02, 03, ... – number of the learning outcome
S – area of social sciences
1 – first cycle courses
A – general academic orientation
Symbols of the learning outcomes for the field of Political Science - After having completed a first cycle course in the field of Political Science, graduates - Reference to the description of the learning outcomes for the area of social sciences
P_W01 - know the theoretical fundamentals of political sciences and their complementary sciences (in particular, social sciences and humanities) - S1AW01
P_W02 - have the knowledge of institutional, symbolic, cultural, legal, economic, and social aspects of politics - S1AW02
P_W03 - have the knowledge of complex processes and phenomena in political, electoral, and political party systems as well as in political parties and in the life of society - S1AW02
P_W04 - have the knowledge allowing them to compare the basic institutional, symbolic, cultural, economic, and social aspects of politics according to the geographical and cultural criteria - S1AW03
P_W05 - have the knowledge of international and supranational aspects of politics - S1AW02, S1AW03
P_W06 - have the knowledge allowing them to diagnose and solve problems concerning the functioning of human beings in political institutions, in societies, in inter- and intra-group aspects, as well as at the level of individual beings - S1AW04
P_W07 - have the knowledge of psychosocial aspects of politics, i.e. the human psyche and the functioning of humans in groups, societies, and in the world of politics - S1AW05
P_W08 - have the knowledge of the position of political science of in the system of sciences; graduates are aware of the relationship of the scope and methodologies of political science to these of other scientific disciplines - S1A_W06
P_W09 - know the methodology of political science research, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and the possibilities to apply these types of analysis in data processing and interpretation - S1A_W06
P_W10 - have the knowledge of institutional, symbolic, cultural, economic, social, inter- and supranational, and also psychosocial standards and rules concerning various aspects of politics; graduates know the content, history, evolution, and behavioural consequences of these standards and rules - S1A_W07
P_W11 - have the knowledge of the national security of the Republic of Poland and international security; graduates also know the principles of safe functioning in the public sphere - S1A_W07
P_W12 - have the knowledge allowing them to compare changes (their reasons, course, scale, and consequences) in the particular institutional, symbolic, cultural, economic, and social as well as inter- and supranational aspects of politics according to the historical criterion - S1A_W08, S1A_W09
P_W13 - know and understand the mechanisms of power and of taking political decisions, as well as their historical conditioning - S1A_W08, S1A_W09
P_W14 - have the knowledge of political opinions (mentality) of societies, the mechanisms of shaping them, and their historical and cultural conditioning - S1A_W09
P_W15 - have the knowledge of interpersonal and social communication (including regularities and disturbances in these types of communication) as well as contemporary information and communication methods, techniques and technologies used in politics - S1A_W09
P_W16 - have the knowledge of social relationships and ties as well as social influence, and their role in political life - S1A_W09
P_W17 - have the knowledge of the basic notions and principles concerning the protection of industrial property and copyright - S1A_W10
P_W18 - have the knowledge of various areas of social and political activity, and know the principles of functioning in these areas as well as the factors conditioning the effectiveness of actions - S1A_W11
P_W19 - have the knowledge of effective methods of managing individuals, groups, and institutions in political life - S1A_W11
P_U01 - can appropriately interpret and use the basic conceptual categories of political sciences as well as other social sciences and humanities - S1A_U01
P_U02 - can determine the role of the state, its institutions, and politics in the life of society; graduates can explain the competence of social and political institutions - S1A_U01
P_U03 - can observe and interpret social and political phenomena, and analyse their relationships to various areas of political, social, and economic activity - S1A_U01 S1A_U02, S1A_U08
P_U04 - can refer to their knowledge of political science as well as social sciences and humanities in explaining the functioning of human beings in politics - S1A_U01, S1A_U08
P_U05 - have the ability to analyse examples of political science research as well as to plan and perform simple research in this area; graduates can also formulate conclusions, provide overviews of the results, and present these results with the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as well as identify directions of further research - S1A_U02, S1A_U08
P_U06 - can characterise and compare trends of political thought, apply political thought to describing and analysing political situations, and understand mechanisms of continuity in political thinking and behaviour - S1A_U02
P_U07 - understand historical processes and can identify the relationships between historical processes and the present times in the context of political science - S1A_U02, S1A_U03
P_U08 - can access sources of knowledge and use them in analysing social and political processes and phenomena - S1A_U02
P_U09 - can analyse and explain mechanisms of the functioning of local and self-government communities; graduates understand the subjective role of human beings in various social structures - S1A_U02, S1A_U08
P_U10 - can appropriately interpret the operation of public administration as well as analyse and evaluate its decision-making processes - S1A_U02, S1A_U08
P_U11 - can diagnose and solve problems concerning political life in its broad sense as well as the areas of its organisation and management - S1A_U03, S1A_U07, S1A_U08
P_U12 - can explain and evaluate the role of social, economic, and cultural structures in the contemporary world - S1A_U02, S1A_U08
P_U13 - can apply quantitative and qualitative methods and predict processes and phenomena, using these methods, while analysing problems of a political character - S1A_U04
P_U14 - can interpret legal provisions concerning the social and political areas - S1A_U05
P_U15 - can refer to democratic values, values promoted by civil societies, and values characterising cultural areas - S1A_U05
P_U16 - have a well-established individual axiology; graduates can use universal principles and ethical norms in the undertaken activities, and apply the principles of etiquette in interactions with others - S1A_U05
P_U17 - can use the acquired knowledge in taking decisions and solving problems in the area of public life - S1A_U06, S1A_U07
P_U18 - can present selected issues concerning political science as well as its complementary disciplines, using the basic theoretical approaches and other sources, in the Polish language (in a written and oral form) - S1A_U09
P_U19 - have well-developed skills of interpersonal and social communication; graduates can prepare written and oral statements, expressing their thoughts in a clear and logical way, and adjusting their messages to the medium of communication used and to the intended recipients - S1A_U09, S1A_U10
P_U20 - have foreign language skills appropriate for the field of study of Political Science, pursuant to the requirements determined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for the B2 level - S1A_U11
P_K01 - realise the importance of political sciences in maintaining and developing appropriate ties in social environments, and apply the acquired knowledge to planning professional activities - S1A_K01, S1A_K04, S1A_K06, S1A_K07
P_K02 - realise the extent of their knowledge and skills, and understand the need for constant professional and personal development; graduates can evaluate and improve their competence and skills as well as determine the directions of their self-actualization - S1A_K01, S1A_K06
P_K03 - are prepared to actively participate in public life; graduates can work in teams implementing social, political, and civil objectives, as well as manage such teams - S1A_U02
P_K04 - are able to communicate, negotiate, and persuade in an effective way, and they have no problems with working in teams - S1A_K02
P_K05 - show the ability to take decisions and identify priorities concerning the undertaken individual and group tasks - S1A_K02, S1A_K03
P_K06 - show the ability of decentration and can take into account the perspectives of people with different political views and of people from various social and cultural groups; graduates also understand the need for tolerance in politics - S1A_K02, S1A_K03, S1A_K04
P_K07 - are prepared to develop institutionalised forms of civil activity and to work in groups, organisations, and institutions engaged in political activity - S1A_K02, S1A_K05, S1A_K07
P_K08 - show the ability to identify and solve problems in their professional work and to formulate their opinions on social and worldview-related issues - S1A_K03, S1A_K04
P_K09 - are aware of the responsibility and challenges connected with their profession as well as of the applicable ethical standards and rules of etiquette (including international courtesy rules) - S1A_K04
P_K10 - can participate in developing social projects, understanding their political, economic, legal, and managerial aspects - S1A_K05
P_K11 - can think forward and act in a resourceful way - S1A_K07
S – area of study of social sciences
1 – first cycle courses
A – general academic orientation
P – learning outcomes for the field of study
W – category of knowledge
U – category of skills
K – category of social competence
01, 02, 03, ... – number of the learning outcome
Symbols of the learning outcomes for the area of social sciences - Description of the learning outcomes for the area of social sciences - Symbols of the learning outcomes
S1A_W01 - have a basic knowledge of the character of social sciences, their position in the system of sciences, and their relationship to other sciences - P_W01
S1A_W02 - have a basic knowledge of different types of cultural, political, legal, and economic social structures and institutions, in particular of their significant elements - P_W02, P_W03, P_W05
S1A_W03 - have a basic knowledge of the relationships among social structures and institutions on a national, international, and intercultural scale - P_W04, P_W05
S1A_W04 - have the knowledge of the types of social ties corresponding to the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for the graduates’ field of study, making it possible to describe social structures and institutions as well as processes occurring in them and among them - P_W06
S1A_W05 - have a fundamental knowledge of human beings, in particular as the entities establishing social structures and the principles of their functioning, and also as the entities functioning in these structures - P_W07
S1A_W06 - know selected methods and instruments, including techniques for obtaining data, appropriate for the areas of science and scientific disciplines connected to their field of study, making it possible to describe social structures and institutions as well as processes occurring in them and among them - P_W08, P_W09
S1A_W07 - have the knowledge of legal, organizational, moral, and ethical standards and principles organising social structures and institutions, and of the regularities governing these structures and institutions, as well as of their sources, character, changes, and functioning - P_W10, P_W11
S1A_W08 - have the knowledge of processes of changes in social structures and institutions as well as their elements; graduates also know the reasons, courses, scale, and consequences of these changes - P_W12, P_W13
S1A_W09 - have the knowledge of opinions about social structures and institutions and categories of social ties; graduates understand the historical evolution of these structures, institutions, and social ties - P_W12, P_W13, P_W14, P_W15, P_W16
S1A_W10 - know and understand the basic notions and principles concerning the protection of industrial property and copyright - P_W17
S1A_W11 - know general principles of creating and developing different forms of individual business activity, applying their knowledge of the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study - P_W18, P_W19
S1A_U01 - can correctly interpret social (cultural, political, legal, economic) phenomena in the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study - P_U01, P_U02, P_U03, P_U04
S1A_U02 - can use their basic theoretical knowledge and obtain data in order to analyse particular social (cultural, political, legal, economic) processes and phenomena in the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study - P_U03, P_U05, P_U06, P_U07, P_U08, P_U09, P_U10, P_U12
S1A_U03 - can appropriately analyse the reasons and courses of particular social (cultural, political, legal, economic) processes and phenomena in the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study - P_U07, P_U11
S1A_U04 - can predict social (cultural, political, legal, economic) processes and phenomena in the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study, using standard methods and instruments - P_U13
S1A_U05 - appropriately use regulation systems as well as selected legal, professional, and moral standards and rules in order to solve specific problems in the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study - P_U14, P_U15, P_U16
S1A_U06 - apply the acquired knowledge to solving dilemmas in their professional work - P_U17
S1A_U07 - analyse suggested solutions to particular problems and suggest appropriate decisions concerning the solutions - P_U11, P_U17
S1A_U08 - have the ability to understand and analyse social phenomena - P_U03, P_U04, P_U05, P_U09, P_U10, P_U11, P_U12
S1A_U09 - have the ability to prepare standard written texts (in the Polish language and in a foreign language considered as a basic language with regard to the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for the graduates’ field of study) on detailed issues, using the basic theoretical approaches and different sources - P_U18, P_U19
S1A_U10 - have the ability to prepare oral presentations (in the Polish language and in a foreign language considered as a basic language with regard to the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for the graduates’ field of study) on detailed issues, using the basic theoretical approaches and different sources - P_U19
S1A_U11 - have foreign language skills with regard to the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for the graduates’ field of study, pursuant to the requirements determined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for the B2 level - P_U20
S1A_K01 - understand the need for life-long learning - P_K01, P_K02
S1A_K02 - can cooperate and work in teams, assuming different roles - P_K03, P_K04, P_K05, P_K06, P_K07
S1A_K03 - can appropriately determine priorities for implementing tasks defined by themselves or other people - P_K05, P_K06, P_K08
S1A_K04 - correctly identify and solve dilemmas connected to performing their profession - P_K01, P_K06,
P_K08, P_K09
S1A_K05 - can participate in preparing social projects (political, economic, and citizens’ projects), taking into consideration their legal, political, and economic aspects - P_K07, P_K10
S1A_K06 - can complement and improve their knowledge and skills - P_K01, P_K02
S1A_K07 - can think and act in a resourceful way - P_K01, P_K07, P_K11