Mechanical Engineering (MBMS2SL)(in Polish: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia) | |
second degree studies full time, 1,5 year, 90 ECTS points, including 2-week work experience internship (2ECTS) Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólny
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Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Professional status:
Access requirements
possess university diploma (first or second degree studies), positive result of the enrolment procedure
Teaching standards
educational standards in accordance with the directive of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, dated July 12, 2007 concerning the description of educational standards for particular study courses and education levels as well as procedures for establishment and the condiontions to be met by the university to conduct both interdisciplinary and conbined studies courses (Dz. U. No 164, item. 1166 incl. later amendments). The standards define general course requirements including the number of teaching hours, graduate`s profile, curricula for individual courses including subjects of general, core and specialist education as well as requirements and recommendations concerning internship.
Learning outcomes
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Resolution No. 30/51/2012 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 24 May 2012 on determining learning outcomes for second cycle courses in the field of Mechanics and Construction of Machinery at Bialystok University of Technology
Meaning of symbols:
M (before underscores) – learning outcomes for the field of study
W – category of knowledge
U – category of skills
K (after underscores) – category of social competence
T2A – learning outcomes in the educational area of technical sciences for second cycle courses
01, 02, 03 and subsequent numbers – number of the learning outcome
Symbol - After having completed a second cycle course in the field of Mechanics and Construction of Machinery, graduates - Reference to learning outcomes for the area
M2_W01 - have an extended and in-depth knowledge of selected areas of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, useful for formulating and solving complex tasks in Mechanics and Construction of Machinery - T2A_W01
M2_W02 - have a systematised and theoretically-based knowledge of mechanics, including the knowledge necessary to perform analyses of mechanical elements of machines and of phenomena occurring in different processes and devices - T2A_W01, T2A_W03, T2A_W04
M2_W03 - have a systematised and theoretically-based knowledge of machine design; graduates know computer tools for designing, modelling and simulating mechanical structures and systems in Mechanics and Construction of Machinery - T2A_W03, T2A_W04, T2A_W07
M2_W04 - have the knowledge of the life cycle of mechanical devices and systems as well as of planning and supervising tasks pertaining to operating machines and devices in Mechanics and Construction of Machinery - T2A_W04, T2A_W06
M2_W05 - have a systematised and theoretically-based knowledge of construction material properties and selection as well as methods of their properties forming - T2A_W02, T2A_W03, T2A_W07
M2_W06 - know and understand advanced information technology methods used in designing, producing, and controlling mechanical systems in Mechanics and Construction of Machinery - T2A_W03, T2A_W07
M2_W07 - have an extended and in-depth knowledge of production processes and systems as well as of the influence of the parameters of these processes on the construction and utilitarian parameters of manufactured objects - T2A_W03, T2A_W05
M2_W08 - have the knowledge of the present state of technology, the latest development trends, and the most important new achievements in Mechanics and Construction of Machinery - T2A_W05
M2_W09 - have a systematised knowledge necessary to understand social, economic, legal, and other non-technical constraints in engineering, and take them into consideration in engineering practice - T2A_W08
M2_W10 - know and understand rules of creating and developing different forms of individual business activity, applying the knowledge of these branches and disciplines of science which pertain to Mechanics and Construction of Machinery - T2A_W08
M2_W11 - have the knowledge of management, including quality management, and of conducting business activity - T2A_W09, T2A_W11
M2_W12 - know and understand basic notions and regulations regarding the protection of industrial property and copyright, and realize the necessity to manage intellectual property resources; graduates can use patent information resources - T2A_W10
M2_U01 - can obtain information from literature, databases, and other sources; can integrate and interpret the obtained information; graduates can also draw conclusions as well as formulate and justify their opinions - T2A_U01
M2_U02 - can work individually and in groups; graduates can evaluate the amount of time required to complete a commissioned task; they can develop and implement work schedules ensuring that deadlines are met - T2A_U02
M2_U03 - can develop detailed results documentation of experiments and design or research tasks; graduates can prepare overviews of these results - T2A_U04, T2A_U08
M2_U04 - can prepare and give short presentations on the results of the implementation of engineering tasks - T2A_U03, T2A_U04
M2_U05 - have a knowledge of a foreign language at a level which is sufficient for communication, including communication on professional issues, and for reading and understanding professional literature as well as for preparing and giving short presentations on the implementation of design or research tasks - T2A_U04, T2A_U06
M2_U06 - can determine the directions of their further education and implement the self-education process - T2A_U05
M2_U07 - can make use of the mathematical methods and models they have studied, modifying them appropriately if necessary, for analysing and evaluating the operation of mechanical systems - T2A_U08, T2A_U09,
M2_U08 - can plan and conduct experiments, including performing measurements and computer simulations; graduates can interpret the obtained results and draw conclusions - T2A_U08, T2A_U09, T2A_U15
M2_U09 - can plan the process of testing complex mechanical structures and systems - T2A_U08,
T2A_U09, T2A_U15 T2A_U18
M2_U10 - according to the predefined specification including also non-technical aspects, can design complex devices, structures or processes, and implement these designs (at least partially), using the right methods, techniques and tools, also by adapting the existing tools or by developing new ones to complete the projects - T2A_U13, T2A_U14,
T2A_U19, T2A_U17
M2_U11 - can design machine parts, sets, and whole mechanical devices, using appropriate methods, techniques and tools, and can suggest improving the existing technical solutions - T2A_U10, T2A_U16
M2_U12 - can formulate, using appropriate analytical, simulation and experimental tools, and test hypotheses connected to modelling and designing of mechanical elements, structures and systems as well as to designing their production processes - T2A_U09, T2A_U11
M2_U13 - can determine the structures of flexible manufacturing systems and know various forms of production organisation; graduates can also use different components of computer-integrated manufacturing - T2A_U10,
M2_U14 - can integrate their knowledge in the areas of: mechanics, fundamentals of design, materials science, production technologies and other disciplines, applying the system approach and taking into account non-technical aspects (including economic and legal ones) to formulate and solve tasks connected to modelling and designing mechanical elements, structures, and systems, and to designing their production processes - T2A_U07,
M2_U15 - can evaluate the costs of designing and producing mechanical structures or systems - T2A_U14
M2_U16 - can suggest improvements to the existing design solutions and models of elements, structures and systems - T2A_U15, T2A_U16
M2_U17 - can evaluate the relevance and the possibility of using new achievements in the areas of materials, elements, design and manufacturing methods for designing and producing structures and systems including innovative solutions - T2A_U12, T2A_U16
M2_U18 - can integrate their knowledge from different sources to formulate and solve tasks comprising the design of mechanical elements, sets, and devices - T2A_U01, T2A_U10, T2A_U18
M2_U19 - are prepared to work in industry, and know the safety regulations connected with such work - T2A_U13
M2_U20 - can evaluate the relevance of methods and tools used for solving engineering tasks typical of Mechanics and Construction of Machinery (this involves understanding of the limitations of these methods and tools); graduates can solve complex engineering tasks, including non-standard tasks as well as tasks including research components, also by applying conceptually new methods - T2A_U18
M2_K01 - understand the need and know the possibilities of further education (second and third cycle courses, postgraduate courses, training courses), thus improving their professional, personal, and social competence - T2A_K01
M2_K02 - understand and realise the importance of non-technical aspects and results of professional activities of mechanical engineers, including the influence of these activities on the environment, and the responsibility for decisions pertaining to the activities - T2A_K02
M2_K03 - realise the importance of behaving in a professional way, adhering to the principles of professional ethics, and respecting the diversity of opinions and cultures - T2A_K05
M2_K04 - are aware of responsibility for their own work; they are prepared to obey the rules of working in a team and to take responsibility for tasks implemented together with other people - T2A_K03, T2A_K04
M2_K05 - can think and act in a resourceful way - T2A_K06
M2_K06 - are aware of the social role of technical universities graduates; in particular, they understand the need to formulate and inform the society, among others, through the mass media, about developments in Mechanics and Construction of Machinery and other aspects of activities of mechanical engineers; they endeavour to provide such information and opinions in a commonly understandable way - T2A_K07