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Biotechnology (BTM)

(in Polish: Biotechnologia, stacjonarne drugiego stopnia)
second degree studies, level of qualifications 7
Full - time studies, 1.5 year, 90 ECTS points, including 2-week work experience internship
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister inżynier

Access to further studies:

possibility of applying for doctoral school, possibility of applying for non-degree postgraduate studies

Professional status:

Professional status (if applicable): the right to apply for professional (specialist) qualifications

Access requirements

possess university diploma (first or second degree studies), positive result of the enrolment procedure

Learning outcomes

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Resolution No. 646/XXXIX/XIV/2016 of the Senate of the Bialystok University of Technology of June 23, 2016 on determining the learning outcomes for general academic studies conducted at the Bialystok University of Technology in the field of biotechnology (2nd degree)

symbol – field learning outcomes – reference to the learning outcomes of the field

A graduate:
K_W01 – has a comprehensive and deep knowledge of concepts related to chemistry, biology, food technology, IT and related scientific areas necessary to describe chemical and biochemical processes, and to solve engineering problems in the field of biotechnology - T2A_W01, T2A_W04
K_W02 – has a structured and extensive knowledge of simple and complex operations using biotechnological processes; knows how to appropriately select materials and devices for implementation and control of these processes - T2A_W02, T2A_W03, T2A_W04, T2A_W06
K_W03 – has an expanded knowledge of environmental protection; understands the processes generated in biotechnological activities in relation to the environment; knows the principles of its protection in relation to food production, chemical and biotechnological production - T2A_W02
K_W04 – has a theoretically grounded detailed knowledge of the chemical, biological and physical aspects of processes related to biotechnology and food production - T2A_W03
K_W05 – has a theoretically grounded detailed knowledge of renewable energy sources, biomaterials and food raw materials; knows the techniques and methods for identifying active ingredients in natural products, and chemical and biochemical preparations - T2A_W04
K_W06 – has an expanded knowledge related to the possibilities of biotechnological use of various groups of organisms (bacteria, fungi) and the threat from microorganisms to humans and food production processes
- T2A_W04
K_W07 – has knowledge of the current state and the latest development trends in biotechnology in the country and in the world; has a detailed knowledge of development trends in laboratory and analytical techniques in the field of biotechnology - T2A_W02, T2A_W05
K_W08 – has a theoretically grounded and detailed knowledge of the life cycle of products, devices, installations and technical systems - T2A_W06
K_W09 – has an expanded knowledge necessary to understand social, economic, legal and other non-technical conditions of engineering activities (including problems of environmental protection related to the implementation of industrial biochemical processes); has a well-established knowledge of handling chemicals safely as well as selecting and disposing of hazardous waste (e.g. microorganisms); has knowledge of occupational health and safety - T2A_W07, T2A_W08
K_W10 – knows advanced programming environments that can be used to analyse DNA and RNA sequences, and to compile and process biological data - T2A_W01, T2A_W02, T2A_W07
K_W11 – has an advanced knowledge of the possibilities of applying advanced biotechnological techniques with the use of living organisms in the production of, for example, food or biofuels - T2A_W07
K_W12 – has a structured and theoretically grounded knowledge of the principles of production organization and management (including quality management, conducting business activities and technology transfer in the field of biotechnology) - T2A_W09, T2A_W11
K_W13 – has an expanded knowledge of intellectual property protection as well as copyright and patent law
- T2A_W10

A graduate:
K_U01 – can obtain information from literature, databases and other sources (also in a foreign language); can integrate the obtained information, interpret it as well as draw conclusions, and formulate and justify opinions; can use catalogue cards to select appropriate devices for a biotechnological process or agri-food processing line - T2A_U01, T2A_U16
K_U02 – can use a foreign language to read scientific literature, catalogue cards, application notes, instruction manuals for IT devices and tools, and similar documents related to chemical and biological sciences, food sciences and biotechnology - T2A_U01, T2A_U06
K_U03 – can convey information using various techniques (also in a foreign language) in the specialist and non-specialist environment; knows terminology used in biotechnology and related sciences; can use information and communication techniques appropriate to carry out engineering tasks - T2A_U02
K_U04 – can prepare and give a presentation on research results in the field of biotechnology - T2A_U03, T2A_U04
K_U05 – can develop detailed documentation related to the results of an advanced experiment, a project or research task; can prepare a specialist report including the discussion of these results - T2A_U04
K_U06 – can independently determine the directions of further learning and implement the process of self-education - T2A_U05
K_U07 – can use advanced experimental methods, mathematical models and advanced programming environments to analyse operations, and model systems and technologies used in biotechnology - T2A_U08, T2A_U09
K_U08 – can assess the suitability and applicability of modern research techniques and theoretical methods, and can apply them to solve complex engineering tasks and research problems in the field of biotechnology - T2A_U09, T2A_U12
K_U09 – can plan and conduct multi-stage biotechnological experiments, interpret obtained results and draw correct conclusions; can compare design solutions of complex systems and technologies used in biotechnology in relation to utility and economic criteria - T2A_U08, T2A_U09
K_U10 – can properly use selected advanced programming environments with simulators and tools for computer-aided design, simulation and verification of advanced systems applied in various fields of biotechnology - T2A_U07, T2A_U08, T2A_U09
K_U11 – can properly use selected methods and devices to measure the quantities typical of advanced systems and technologies applied in biotechnology - T2A_U08, T2A_U09
K_U12 – can apply advanced analytical techniques in the field of chemistry, biology, microbiology, molecular biology and genetic engineering - T2A-U09
K_U13 – can see systemic and non-technical aspects when formulating and solving complex engineering tasks; can formulate correct hypotheses related to engineering problems and complex research problems - T2A_U10, T2A_U11
K_U14 – can assess unusual risks related to the use of microbiological, chemical, biochemical and biotechnological processes and products - T2A_U11
K_U15 – has skills necessary to work in an industrial environment and research teams; observes safety principles related to professional duties; can work with hazardous materials including biological material; knows safety regulations and preventive measures associated with such experiments - T2A_U13
K_U16 – can design and carry out the process of isolating and obtaining biotechnological raw materials from materials of natural origin - T2A_U14
K_U17 – can critically assess the usefulness of routine methods and tools for solving complex engineering tasks, typical of systems and technologies used in biotechnology; can choose and apply appropriate methods and tools - T2A_U15
K_U18 – can use advanced laboratory techniques for analysis, synthesis, isolation, purification and characterization of biologically active compounds and biotechnological preparations - T2A_U15
K_U19 – can assess the technological suitability of raw materials in relation to product quality requirements; can critically assess technological processes in terms of obtaining the most favourable economic indicators and being burdensome for the environment - T2A_U15
K_U20 – can propose improvements to existing technical solutions, systems or processes typical of biotechnology by adopting suitable methods, techniques and design tools - T2A_U16
K_U21 – can identify and specify complex engineering tasks of a practical nature in the field of biotechnology - T2A_U17
K_U22 – can adapt knowledge in the field of biotechnology and related fields to solve biotechnological problems and plan industrial processes, in particular in the agri-food industry - T2A_U18, T2A_U19

A graduate:
K_K01 – understands the need to improve professional competences and get acquainted with the progress of knowledge and scientific discoveries in the field of biotechnology and related sciences - T2A_K01
K_K02 – is aware of the importance and understands the non-technical aspects and effects of the engineer's advanced activities (including their impact on the environment) and the responsibility for the decisions taken
- T2A_K02
K_K03 – is aware of the importance of professional behaviour, compliance with professional ethics and respect for the diversity of views and cultures; correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to the professional duties of a biotechnologist - T2A_K05
K_K04 – is aware of the responsibility for specialist individual work and readiness to comply with the rigorous rules of teamwork as well as responsibility for jointly performed tasks - T2A_K03, T2A_K04
K_K05 - can think and act in an entrepreneurial manner - T2A_K06
K_K06 – is aware of the social role a technical university graduate takes; in particular, understands the need to formulate and provide the public with objective information and opinions on the achievements of biotechnology (including food technology) and other aspects of a professional life of the biotechnologist; takes steps to convey information and opinions in a generally understandable way - T2A_K07

Key to the symbols:
K – field learning outcomes, W – knowledge, U – skills, T2A – learning outcomes for technical sciences (2nd degree)

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk2.uci.pb.edu.pl