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Study programmes > All studies > Automatic control and robotics > Automatic Control and Robotics full-time Master’s degree

Automatic Control and Robotics full-time Master’s degree (AiRS2E)

(in Polish: Automatyka i robotyka, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second degree studies
full time studies, 1,5 year
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) magister inżynier

Access to further studies:

possibility of applying for doctoral school, possibility of applying for non-degree postgraduate studies

Professional status:

right to apply for qualifications related with the field of studies completed

Access requirements

possess university diploma (first or second degree studies), positive result of the enrolment procedure

Learning outcomes

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Resolution No. 300/XVII/XV/2018 of the Senate of Bialystok Univeristy of Technology of 27 September 2018 on determing the learning outcomes for general academic studies at the Bialystok University of Technology in the field of second-degree automatic control and robotics
Symbol - Learning outcomes for the field of study of Automation and Robotics - Reference to qualifications obtained at level 7 in accordance with the second level characteristics - Reference to engineering competences


AR2_W01 - in a comprehensive way, theories, mathematical and physical methods and models and dependencies between them in automation and robotic systems - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W02 - in a comprehensive way, processes occurring in the life cycle of devices, facilities and technical systems in the field of automation and robotics - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W03 - in a comprehensive way, selected facts, objects and phenomena and their methods and theories explaining the complex relationships between them in automation and robotic systems - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W04 - in a comprehensive way, principles of designing automation and robotic systems as well as supporting engineering tools and computer methods - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W05 - in a comprehensive way, theories, methods and engineering tools necessary to manage the operation of automation and robotic systems - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W06 - in a comprehensive way, the principles of conducting research, experiments and simulations, analysis, interpretation and presentation of the obtained results - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W07 - the latest development trends in the field of automation and robotics - P7U_W - P7S_WG

AR2_W08 - economic, legal, ethical, civilization and other conditions of various types of activity related to automation and robotics - P7U_W - P7S_WK

AR2_W09 - the principles of protection of industrial property and copyright - P7U_W - P7S_WK

AR2_W10 - the rules for creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship - P7U_W - P7S_WK


AR2_U01 - use knowledge from various fields of science to formulate and solve complex, atypical problems and to innovate and at least partially implement in practice tasks specific to automation and robotics - P7S_UW, P7U_U - P7S_UW

AR2_U02 - properly choose sources and information, make their evaluation, critical analysis and synthesis and creatively interpret and present the information - P7S_UW, P7U_U - P7S_UW

AR2_U03 - select and use advanced methods and tools, including information and communication techniques in automation and robotic systems - P7S_UW, P7U_U - P7S_UW

AR2_U04 - plan and perform scientific research, experiments or observations in the field of automation and robotics - P7S_UW, P7U_U - P7S_UW

AR2_U05 - critically evaluate the results of tests, experiments, computer simulations, observations and theoretical calculations, as well as discuss measurement errors and possibilities of optimization of applied procedures in automation and robotic systems - P7S_UW, P7U_U - P7S_UW

AR2_U06 - apply the acquired knowledge in the field of automation and robotics to solve the problems in related scientific disciplines - P7S_UW, P7U_U - P7S_UW

AR2_U07 - make an economic assessment of proposed technical solutions, recognize their systemic and non-technical aspects - P7S_UW, P7U_U

AR2_U08 - communicate on specialist topics characteristic for automation-robotics with diverse recipients and conduct a debate - P7S_UK, P7U_U

AR2_U09 - use a foreign language at a B2+ level of the Common European Frame of Reference including specialist terminology, which will allow the free use of professional literature, as well as the preparation and presentation of a project or research task - P7S_UK, P7U_U

AR2_U10 - manage teamwork, plan and implement lifelong learning and guide others in this area - P7S_UO, P7S_UU, P7U_U

SOCJAL competences IS READY TO

AR2_K01 - critically analyse the received content - P7S_KK, P7U_K

AR2_K02 - recognise the importance of knowledge in the field of technical sciences as well as knowledge in the field of humanities, economics and social sciences necessary to solve cognitive and practical problems - P7S_KK, P7U_K

AR2_K03 - meet social needs, undertake and coordinate initiatives for the social environment - P7S_KO, P7U_K

AR2_K04 - take actions for the public interest - P7S_KO, P7U_K

AR2_K05 - think and act in an entrepreneurial way in his/her professional life - P7S_KO, P7U_K

AR2_K06 - fulfill his/her professional duties responsibly and undertake continuous training in issues related to their professional roles - P7S_KR, P7U_K

AR2_K07 - comply with the rules of professional ethics and take measures to ensure such compliance in his/her subordinates - P7S_KR, P7U_K

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk2.uci.pb.edu.pl