Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
International Law ZSU04296
1. Basic issues of international law, international law - a historical outline.
a) international law, the international community,
b) the concept and nature of international law,
c) International law and domestic law
2. Sources of international law.
a) an international agreement,
b) the procedure for concluding international agreements,
c) the scope of the binding force of international agreements,
d) the invalidity, termination and suspension of the contract,
e) the obligation to comply with agreements
f) international custom,
g) general principles of law.
3. Subjects of international law.
a) the concept of subjectivity in international law
b) the types of states due to the structure
c) the types of countries due to the limitation of legal capacity in international relations
d) other subjects of international law,
e) international recognition,
f) the international responsibility of states.
4. Authorities of the State in international relations (internal and external)
5. Diplomatic and Consular Law - an outline of the issues.
6.Teritory in international law.
a) the territory of the state,
b) territorial sovereignty,
c) reduction of territorial sovereignty,
d) the acquisition and loss of territory,
e) the boundaries,
f) marine areas
g) the polar regions
h) Sky and Space
f) International River
7. Population in international law.
a) citizenship,
b) foreigners
c) territorial asylum,
d) the extradition of criminals
8. International organizations - selected issues
9. Disputes and conflicts.
a) peaceful settlement of international disputes,
b) the means of peaceful settlement of disputes,
c) international courts,
d) permanent regional tribunals.
10. The main issue of martial law - nodal problem.
a) the general principles of the law of war
b) Civil War,
c) Marine war
d) air war
e) military neutrality.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knowledge: to acquaint students with the basic principles of the functioning of public international law in an international community. Student names and associated sources of international law, subjects of international law, the authorities of the state in international relations. Furthermore, it defines the concept of territory and population in public international law and enumerates the main disputes and conflicts, the fundamental principles of the laws of war.
skills: skills training at the basic level of interpretation of public international law standards relating to internal and external forms of the state. the student can appeal their assessments to democratic values as well as to other values characterizing the different cultural areas.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - written on the assessment in the form of multiple choice test with an extensive cafeteria
Maximum number of points: 10 points
1. 10 - 9.5 points - b.db (5,0)
2. 8, 5 - 8.0 - + db (4,5)
3. 7.5 - 7.0 - db (4,0)
4. 6.5 - 6.0 - dst +(3,5)
5. 5.5 - 5.0 - dst (3,0)
6. 5.0 - 0.0 - ndst (2,0)
Exercise - prepare a written paper (or a multimedia presentation) and present it to the group. To be accompanied by an outline of the paper have an introduction, middle and an end, and conclusions, and a brief summary in a foreign language (English, Russian, German - to choose from). Work should be done in a team (the number of people with the team 2-5). Each person involved in the preparation of outline and presents it to the group.
Subject to assessment: oral presentation delivered in accordance with the principles of correctness of the Polish language and in accordance with generally and currently valid knowledge, which is a logical entity instance.
An extended outline will be reviewed and signed by the teacher and subject to archiving.
Basic references:
1. S. Sawicki, Prawo konsularne. Studium prawnomiędzynarodowe, Warszawa 2003.
2. B. Wierzbicki (red.), Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne, Białystok 2001.
3 L. Antonowicz, Podręcznik prawa międzynarodowego, Warszawa 2000.
4. H. Kissinger, Dyplomacja, Warszawa 2002.
Supplementary references:
1. R.Bierzanek, J,Simonides, Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne, 2004.
2. W. Góralczyk, S. Sawicki, Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne w zarysie, 2007.