Winter Semester 2010/11
Theory Of International Trade ZNU01178
Course content:
1.Place theory of international exchange in the science of international economic relations and international economics. 2.The problem openness of the economy in the world today. Polish trade structure in the light of trade theory. 3. Financial crisis and international sales. 4. Classifications theory of international trade. 5.Mercantilism. 6. Absolute Advantage. 7.Comparative costs . 8.Hekscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theory. 9.Product Life Cycle Theory.10. New Trade theories . National compatitive adavantage. 12. Theories intra-trade. 13.Theories international trade in services. 14. Theories international migration of productive factors. 15.Theories location and international competitiveness
Learning outcomes:understand the importance of foreign trade for the economy and companies, and an ability to use trade statistics
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
- P. R. Krugman, M. Obstfeld , Ekonomia międzynarodowa. Teoria i polityka.PWN Warszawa 2007
- J. Misala, Współczesne teorie wymiany międzynarodowej i zagranicznej polityki ekonomicznej, SGH, Warszawa 2001
b) supplementary references:
- Polska w handlu światowym:Elżbieta Czarny, Katarzyna Śledziewska. Warszawa : Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 2009.
- Międzynarodowa wymiana usług, Anna Wróbel, Warszawa : Wydaw. Naukowe SCHOLAR, 2009