Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2018/19
Road pavements Constantin X32353
Types of pavement construction. Characteristics of layers of road pavement construction - requirements. - 1h
Theoretical models of construction paving - elastic half-space model, a two-layer model center, three-layer, multi-center model. Empirical methods for design of road pavements. Shell method. Asphalt Institute Method. Climatic conditions. Computational model of the structure. - 2h
Product typical pavement structure flexible and semi-rigid. Foundation design - materials. Traffic load. Soil and water conditions. Groups bearing capacity. Dehydration of the substrate. Frost. Selection of pavement construction. Alternative design solutions and special. - 2h
Design pavement reinforcement elastic deflection method. - 1 h
Designing gain mechanistic pavement construction method. Load. Climatic conditions. The design criteria. - 1 h
Design of a rigid surface. Oldego method, Purl, Westergar-da. Product typical rigid pavement structures. - 1h
Technology of the surface of the asphalt mix-1h
Cement concrete pavements-design and technology implementation-1h
Exercise Design:
Design of pavements by conventional directory and semi-rigid pavements susceptible (different substrates, different layers of systems design). Traffic load rating. Dehydration of the substrate. Capacity of the group of the substrate. Selection of pavement construction. Check the condition of frost. Alternatives. -4h
Design of pavements using mechanistic vulnerable. Traffic load rating. Model construction of roads. Verification criteria for fatigue. - 4 h
Design of semi-rigid pavement mechanistic method. Traffic load rating. Model construction of roads. Verification criteria for fatigue. - 3h
Design pavement reinforcement according to the method of elastic deflection. Uniform sections. Deflections and reliable computing. Determination of surface reinforcement - 3h
Designing gain mechanistic pavement construction method. Traffic load rating. Model construction of roads. Calculation of fatigue damage. The term gain ground. - 3h
Design of a rigid surface by a rigid pavement directory. Traffic load rating. Capacity of the group of the substrate. Selection of pavement construction. - 3h
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
describes the theoretical models of construction roads
known theoretical models describing the rheological properties of asphalt mixes and binders
know how to design structures and strengthening of road pavements by mechanistic methods
know the details of construction technologies pavement construction layers
Assessment criteria
Written exam consists of 4 questions. Questions are rated by the teacher on a scale 2,0-3,0-3,5-4,0-4,5-5,0. Considers necessary condition to obtain a minimum credit ratings of each question 3.0. Final assessment: 3.0 (from 12 to 13 points.), 3.5 (from 13.5 to 14.5 points.), 4.0 (from 15 to 16 points), 4.5 (from 16.5 to 18pkt.), 5.0 (from 18.5 to 20 points).
The exam must be passed without the use of materials and assistance and without communicating with other people. Assessment takes about 80 minutes.
Exercise Design:
The assessment of adequate (3.0), the student:
1 Calculates correctly traffic category in the reference period.
2 Calculates properly design fatigue life of the road surface or pavement strengthening.
3 Place the properly designed pavement construction or reinforcement methods and mechanistic directory. He knows the technical parameters of structural layers in the road surface.
The assessment of good (4.0), the student:
4 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-3.
5 Can the construction of pavement design directory methods in complex soil and water conditions, and correctly apply an additional layer of filtration and valve.
6 He can design a structure or pavement strengthening mechanistic methods in complex soil and water conditions, and correctly apply an additional layer of filtration and valve.
For a very good student (5.0):
Meets 7 points 1-6.
8 He can design a structure or pavement strengthening mechanistic methods using methods SPDM or LCPC.
9 Able to design a structure or pavement strengthening mechanistic methods using the annual distribution of pavement life by assigning appropriate parameters analyzed pavement structural layers operating periods.
Ratings of 3.5 and 4.5 will get students who meet the appropriate requirements of the points 1-3 and 4-6 in a very good partial, or in addition meet the requirements of a higher level.
1. GDDKiA, PG KID: „Katalog typowych konstrukcji podatnych i półsztywnych, Gdańsk 2012.
2. Godlewski D.: „Nawierzchnie drogowe”, WKiŁ, Warszawa, 2011
3. Rozporządzenie MTiGM z dnia 2.03.1999r. w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać drogi publiczne i ich usytuowanie. Dz.U.Nr 43, poz. 430
4. Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: „Nawierzchnie asfaltowe”, WKiŁ, Warszawa, 2010
5. Szydło A.: "Nawierzchnie drogowe z betonu cementowego", Kraków, 2004
1. Kalabińska M., Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: "Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych", Warszawa, 2005
2. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, IBDiM: "WT-2 - Nawierzchnie asfaltowe na drogach publicznych",
Warszawa, 2010
3. Lay M.G.: The handbook of road technology, 2009