Summer Semester 2007/08
Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2011/12
Programming - Methods and Techniques 1 TZ1A200006
Course content:
Digital form of information: integer numbers, IEEE-754, character codes.
Errors in algorithms and processing of floating-point numbers.
Algorithms: basic terms, design, notation.
Imperative/structural programming in C++. Structure of source code. Standard data types and user-defined scalar types. Variables, pointers, and references. Simple statements: structure, hierarchy of operators. Structural commands: iterative, conditional and unconditional branching.
Functions: general concept, declaration, parameters, standard functions. Libraries of functions.
Laboratory exercises include: formulation of own algorithms, processing of vectors and matrices, complex numbers in C++.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to:
(a) implement appropriate data structures and instructions to solve some numerical problems;
(b) prepare appropriate simple numerical algorithms;
(c) analyze the structure and properties of some algorithms.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Stroustrup B.: Język C++. WNT, 2002.
Grębosz J.: Symfonia C++ standard : programowanie w języku C++ orientowane obiektowo. Wydaw. Edition, 2008.
Neapolitan R., Naimipour K.: Podstawy algorytmów z przykładami w C++. Helion, 2004.
Baron B., Piątek Ł.: Metody numeryczne w C++ Builder. Helion, 2004.
Boone B.: Java(TM) dla programistów C i C++. WNT, 2004.
b) supplementary references:
Eckel B.: Thinking in C++. Volume 1-Introduction to Standard C++. Available online:
Eckel B., Allison C.: Thinking in C++. Volume 2 - Practical Programming. Available online:
Milewski B.: C++ In Action - Industrial Strength Programming Techniques. Available online:
Malik D.S.: C++ programming : program design including data structures. Course Technology, 2002.
Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L., Cormen T.H.: Wprowadzenie do algorytmów. WNT, 2001.