Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2012/13
Winter Semester 2013/14
Tourism policy TSU03029
Course content: Theory of the tourism policy (forms, the range and functions). Operations of international organizations about the global meaning in the interest of the tourism development. Tendencies of the tourism development in the world. The tourism in European Union. Tourist systems in Poland and chosen countries of the world. Functions, tasks and structures of divisions of the public administration to matters of the tourism. Instruments of the tourism policy. The part of the local government in the tourism development. Strategic objectives of the tourist industry and its environments. The partnership in the tourism (public-private, international, transborder, regional, local). The challenges of the tourist policy in XXI century. Integrated operations in the interest of tourism development.
Learning outcomes: knowledge of development policy in tourism on different levels of management, skills of cooperation establish in tourism in public institution and private organizations.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1.The tourism policy , the ed. A. Panasiuk, Foundation in the interest of the Szczecin University , Szczecin-Copenhagen 2005.
2.Borzyszkowski J., The tourism policy of the state, Publisher Technical Universities of Koszalin, Koszalin 2005.
3.Kozak A. W., The tourism, tourism policy and the development: between old and the new paradigm, Publisher, The Scholar, Warsaw 2009.
b) supplementary references:
1.The economic policy, (the ed.) B.Winiarski, PWN, Warsaw 2000.
2.The tourism as the factor of the competitiveness regions growth of the globalization, (the ed.) G. Gołembski, Publisher Economic Academy in Poznań, Poznań 2008.
3.Alejziak W., Marciniec T., International tourist organizations, Publisher Albis, Cracow 2003.
4.Butowski L., The organization of the tourism in Poland, Publisher The Academic Publishing House of the Higher Private School-Natural, Warsaw - Lublin, 2004.