Summer Semester 2012/13
Microcontrolers TS2C102202
The characteristic of popular microcontrolers family: internal structure, principle of the work, instruction list, interrupt
system, built-in peripherials, members of the family.
Microcontroler programming techniques. The realization of the basic microprocessor tasks in low and high level language of chosen microcontroler.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student after the course assessment:
- can describe the acting of microcontroler;
- differentiates and explains the functions of internal microcontroler components;
- uses appropriate programming tools (compilers, simulators, developing enviroments);
- can work in group.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - assessment with mark based on written test.
Labs - assessment with mark based on exercise reports and final verbal assessment.
1. Pawluczuk A. - Sztuka programowania mikrokontrolerów AVR. Podstawy. BTC, Warszawa 2006.
2. Pawluczuk A. - Sztuka programowania mikrokontrolerów AVR. Przykłady. BTC, Warszawa 2007.
3. Doliński J. - Mikrokontrolery AVR w praktyce. BTC, Warszawa 2004.
1. Bogusz J. - Lokalne interfejsy szeregowe w systemach cyfrowych. BTC, Warszawa 2004.
2. Grodzki L. - materiały do wykładu. Strony www KAiE WE PB.
3. Grodzki L. - komplet instrukcji do ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych. Strony www KAiE WE PB.