Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Electromagnetic Comapatibility TS2B100005
Course content:
Introduction to EMC, standards and units. Signal and their spectra. Sources of continuous and transient electromagnetic interferences. Capacitive and inductive crosstalk, voltage dips and interruption. Immunity requirements for devices and systems, EMC measurements and testing, measurements tools (sources, receivers, field’s sensors, antennas), test environments. Radiated emissions and susceptibility. Emission test setups and procedures. Measurements instrumentation, GTEM cells and fields probes. Conducted emissions and susceptibility, conducted emissions tests. RF and transient immunity testing. Practical aspects of immunity tests. Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness. Practical EMC design.
Learning outcomes:
The principal objective of the course is to cover the fundaments of equipment and systems immunity, emission test setups and procedures. RF immunity testing, EMC managements, test plan for equipments, system design for EMC.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Clayton R.P.: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility. 1999.
2..Williams T., Armstrong K.: EMC for Systems and Installations. Newness 2000.
3.Kodali V.P. :Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility. Principles, Measurements, Technology and Computer Models. Second edition. IEEE Press, 2001
Williams T.:EMC for product designers. Newles, 2004.
b) supplementary references:
1. Scott J.: Introduction to EMC.Newles, 1997.