Summer Semester 2007/08
Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Winter Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2017/18
Summer Semester 2019/20
Information Technologies TS02021
Course content: simple operations on the text: the basic rules for the placing and formatting, header and footer, the principle of creating, placing and formatting of graphics in text documents, numbering and bullets multilevel, formatting documents: insert symbols and special characters, how to use the equation editor, inserting and formatting tables, forms, create your own styles, inserting captions, footnotes, automatic tables of contents, mail merge, data types, their entry and editing, formatting numeric data, basic operations on cells, by using simple formulas, learning simple mathematical functions and methods of addressing cell ; calculation worksheets using the logic functions and search functions, basic techniques for creating graphs, operations on lists - sorting, filtering.
Learning outcomes: Ability to use MS Excel and MS Word
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2011L: | Term 2010L: | Term 2013L: | Term 2017L: | Term 2016L: | Term 2012L: | Term 2015L: | Term 2014L: |
a) basic references:
1. J. Cox, J. Preppernau, Microsoft Office Word 2007: krok po kroku, Wyd. RM, Warszawa, 2007.
2. C. D. Frye, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Wydaw. RM, Warszawa, 2007.
3. I. Szymacha, Ćwiczenia z edytora tekstów Word 97: (element pakietu MS Office 97), "Mikom", Warszawa, 1997.
b) supplementary references:
1. A. Tomaszewska-Adamarek, ABC Word 2007 PL, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2007.
2. M. Kopertowska, Word :122 porady, Wyd. Mikom, Warszawa, 2005.
3 .G. Kowalczyk, Word 2007 PL: kurs, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2007.
4. I. Zdonek (red.), Informatyka w zarządzaniu w przykładach i zadaniach z wykorzystaniem arkusza kalkulacyjnego MS EXCEL, Wydaw. Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice, 2011.