Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2009/10
Economic and Commercial Law TNU02106
Course content: the general ideas of civil law and law of merchants, the essence and the rules of law of the market and law of merchants; the freedom of economic activity;
a lawful position of businessman; bases of economic system; economic registers; definition and types of businessmen; characterization of commercial companies; bankruptcy and improvement law; characterization of contracts in trade; protection of a competition and consumers; protection of businessmen from an unfair competition.
Learning outcomes: mastering of principles of scientific knowledge about the course; preparing for professional activity with using obtained knowledge.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
'student: has a greater depth knowledge of the legal norms and principles, organizational, moral and ethical standards applicable to tourism and recreation.
shows the principle of the creation and development of individual forms of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in various fields and disciplines (law, management, and others).
Can use appropriate normative systems, standards, principles, theories and structures, procedures, regyłami to solve specific problems related to different spheres of tourism and recreation activities. recognized entrepreneurship in action, is ready to take on the challenges of professional, has a belief in the sense of and the need to take action in the sphere of tourism and recreation, is characterized by perseverance in achieving individual and team activities in this area
Assessment criteria
The effect is kształcenia1-depth knowledge of the principles and norms of legal, organizational, moral and ethical standards applicable in various areas of tourism and recreation.
ndst-Student does not meet any of the requirements for the assessment of the effects of dostateczną.dst-defines the basic concepts of law, sources of law, principles prawne.db-characterized (verbally or in writing) rules, legal norms, organizational, moral and ethical issues in the areas of recreation and tourism. vg-Can analyze rules, legal norms, organizational, moral and ethical issues relating to tourism and recreation areas.
a) basic references:
- red. J. Pakosiewicz, Prawo gospodarcze i handlowe. Repetytorium, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2008;
- K. Kruczalak, Prawo handlowe. Zarys wykładu, Lexis Nexis, Warszawa 2008;
- C. Banasiński (et. al.), Prawo gospodarcze. Zagadnienia administracyjnoprawne, red. nauk. H. Gronkiewicz-Waltz, M. Wierzbowski, Lexis Nexis, Warszawa 2007.
b) supplementary references:
- A. Kidyba, Prawo handlowe, C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2009;
- I. Kienzler, Dictionary of economic terms : banking, finances, law. Vol. 2, Polish-English, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2005.