Winter Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2012/13
Forming the Landscape TN05420
Course content:
Terms and definitions concerning the notion of forming the landscape, the size categories of landscape space, structure and the set of components of the landscape, basic landscape features, landscape classification , the rate of landscape zones, natural factors forming the landscape and its forms. The characterization of the landscape forming by climate and the lie of the land in the world. The characterization of the landscape classes in Poland. The characterization of the anthropological landscapes in the world and in Poland. The protection forms of the landscape. The process of the landscape planning . Landscape valuation, , the review of the landscape valuation methods and valorization.
Learning outcomes:
Student acquires ability to examine the diversities of spatial socio-economic structures in comparison with specific physical-economic structures and analyzes spatial similarities and diversities in economy and social people’s life.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student names and has basic studies on the development of space planning at the local level
The student defines and identifies the types, conditions and types krajbrazu
It can apply basic methods for the valuation of landscape
Analyzes and evaluates documentation of planning at the municipal level in terms of tourist use of natural and man-made features of the landscape (the student term papers)
The problem of spatial conflicts analyzes the main benefits of specific types of human activities and their effects on the landscape
Assessment criteria
Assessment of lectures (theoretical)
Senior thesis presentation using multimedia presentations and documents collected
Speech problem
Observation of work activities
a) basic references:
1. Andrzej Richling, Jerzy Solon: Ekologia krajobrazu, PWN, Warszawa 1996.
2. Zofia Fischer, Magomedrasuł Magomedow: Ekologia, energia, krajobraz, TN KUL, Lublin 2004.
3. Wycena krajobrazu. Rynkowe aspekty oceny i waloryzacji krajobrazu pod red. Tomasza Bajerowskiego, Educaterra, Olsztyn 2000.
b) supplementary references:
1. Adam Sanetra, Iwona Cieślak: Kartograficzne aspekty oceny i waloryzacji przestrzeni, UWM, Olsztyn 2004.
2. Beata Meyer: Turystyka jako ekonomiczny czynnik kształtowania przestrzeni, US, Szczecin 2004.
3. Przemysław Wolski: Przyrodnicze podstawy kształtowania krajobrazu. Słownik pojęć, Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 2002.