Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2012/13
Touristic activity funds TN05418
Course content:
External and internal sources funds activities of economic subjects, principle of the obtainment of the bank credit, analysis of creditor requirements, the cost of merchants credit, profile of the basket of bank services, the legal protections of the manageability of credits, factoring , leasing, franchising, funds and own capitals, gaining over capitals from the issue of stock and bond, loan and guarantee funds, financial help from the work office, grants-in-aid from European Union funds, the funds of venture capital
Learning outcomes:
student should know how to lodge own company, to choose the form of taxation, to choose the bank to the leadership of the service, to possess the knowledge from the range of financial calculations
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Dmowski Adam, Sarnowski Janusz, Prokopowicz Dariusz, Finanse i bankowość . Teoria i praktyka, Difin, Warszawa 2009
2. Grzywacz Jacek, Faktoring, Difin, Warszawa 2005
3. Kowalska Agnieszka i inni, Leasing – skutki prawne, podatkowe i rachunkowe w 2009 r., Difin, Warszawa 2009
4. Szczepański Jan, Lech Szyszko (red.), Finanse przedsiębiorstwa, Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2007
b) supplementary references:
1. Kaczmarek J., Produkt turystyczny, pomysł, organizacja, zarządzanie, PWE, Warszawa 2005
2. Rapacz A., Przedsiębiorstwo turystyczne, Difin, Warszawa 2007
3. Sierpińska M., Jachna T., Metody podejmowania decyzji finansowych, analiza przykładów i przypadków, PWN, Warszawa 2007