Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2017/18
Summer Semester 2018/19
Water Renovation S02303
Water renovation - definitions and application.
Flow-sheet and treatment facilities water renovation
Performance effciencies. Microelementes - meaning, purification methods.
Biogenic compounds removal. Applicable processes in water renovation: lime coagulation, oxide of carbon neutralization, ammonium nitrogen removal, ion exchange, sorption.
Membrane processes: reverse osmosis, microfiltration, nanofiltration, electrodialysis.
Waste and sluge management in water renovation.
Water renovation in chosen industries.
Project a water renovation plant for specific parameters of raw sewage and water renovation. The project should include:
1. A description of the technical and technological
2. Analysis and justification for choosing the best solution for the given parameters
3. Schematic concept of technological
4. Technological calculations and summary of results
5. The calculation and selection of equipment
6. Waste management together with the classification of waste
7. Full Renewal model station With water and waste and wastewater management
8. Flow graphic models of open and closed-circuit Renovation plant water
9. Throw water Renovationl plant scale
Term 2012L:
Water renovation - definitions and application. Project: |
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student: lists and has processes and equipment used in the restoration of water, identifies processes, characterized by different processes and parameters affecting their health is used in water, selects processes and their optimal parameters, knows the process and has waste disposal and health stations of water, draw diagrams of technological waste water and waste water in health facilities, is able to use the legal acts necessary for these plants
Assessment criteria
A written exam consists of 25 questions verifying the knowledge. Questions are being assessed 0 -2.0 points.
Final evaluations:
3,0 (od 27 do 38,5 points.);
3,5 (od 39 do 41 points.);
4,0 (od 41,5 do 44,5 points.);
4,5 (od 45 do 47 points..);
5,0 (od 47,5 do 50 points.).
One should take the examination without using notes, or other materials and the help and without the intercommunication with other persons.
The examination lasts c 90 minutes.Conditions of the course project exercise:
- Participation in all classes,
- Obtaining of records involved,
- The timely execution and defense of the evaluation project a positive exercise
The final evaluation of the design exercise is determined by:
• assessment of the project,
• assessment of the defense project
Each element is assessed by the current grading system (2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0).
Putting the project after the deadline results in lower realizable assessment for the project by 1 score down.
Completion of design practice is possible only after all the positive reviews.
The final evaluation of the project is calculated as the arithmetic average of scores according to the principles set out below:
3.00 - 3.24 -> 3.0
3.25 - 3.75 -> 3.5
3.76 - 4.25 -> 4.0
4.26 - 4.60 -> 4.5
4.61 - 5.00 -> 5.0
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Bodzek M.: Usuwanie zanieczyszczeń nieorganicznych ze środowiska wodnego metodami membranowymi. Wydaw. Seidel-Przywecki, Warszawa, 2011.
Anielak A.: Chemiczne i fizykochemiczne oczyszczanie ścieków.PWN 2002
Granops M., kaleta J.: Uzdatnianie i odnowa wody. Laboratorium. 2005
Kowal A. L., Świderska-Bróż M.: Oczyszczanie wody : Podstawy teoretyczne i technologiczne, procesy i urządzenia. Wydaw. Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2009.
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