Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
International protection of human rights PS06597
I. 1 The principle of respect for human rights in the Charter of the United Nations:
a) the provisions of the UN Charter
2.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
a) International Bill of Human Rights
b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
3. International human rights covenants
a) system pacts
b) the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
c) The International Covenant on Civil and Political
d) the importance of international human rights treaties
4. prohibition of discrimination
a) racial discrimination (Declaration and Convention on All Forms of Racial Discrimination)
b) aparthaid (Convention on the fight against apartheid)
5. Prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide
a) resolutions of the General Assembly
b) Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
c) international tribunals (Nuremberg, Tokyo, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, the dictatorship of Pol Pot, the International Criminal Court)
6. Protection of individual groups
a) the rights of women
b) the rights of children
c) the rights of national minorities
7. International human rights monitoring
a) the concept of international control
b) measures and control bodies
II. Population in international law:
a) the definition of
b) regulations
c) citizenship (the concept and importance of the acquisition and loss of citizenship, naturalization, reintegration, dual and multiple citizenship, statelessness, refugees)
d) aliens (the rights and obligations of foreigners
e) territorial asylum
f) political asylum
g) the extradition of criminals (definition, principles, criminal extradition, extradition procedure.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knowledge: student identifies basic obdszary international protection of human rights and properly define the scope of the subject. Properly classify the rules of international law in the context of human rights protection. skills: the student is able to correctly interpret and use the terms which fall within the international human rights protection. In addition, defining the phenomenon categorizes discrimination, xenophobia and nationalism in the context of international human rights przetrzegania control. social competence: the student has the ability to take into account the perspective of decentration and people with different political views, membership of various socio - cultural.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - written on the assessment in the form of multiple choice test with an extensive cafeteria
Maximum number of points: 10 points
First 10 - 9.5 points - rating b.db
Second 8, 5 - 8.0 - + db rating
3rd 7.5 - 7.0 - db
4th 6.5 - 6.0 - dst +
5th 5.5 - 5.0 - dst
6th 5.0 - 0.0 - ndst
Exercise - participation in practical classes, prepared at home and presented during training (classes are held on a problematic discussion on the knowledge gained during the lecture and the student's own work).
Practical workshops: presentation of knowledge, skills and social competence during training workshops conducted in small groups (2-5 people)
Subject to assessment: class participation, the ability to learn the material (homework), the ability of the material prepared oral presentation, accurate ability to ask questions and provide appropriate responses.
Basic references:
1. R. Bierzanek j. Symonides, Prawo miedzynarodowe publiczne, Warszawa 2009
2. W. Góralczyk, S. Sawicki, Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne w zarysie, Warszawa 2009.
3. C. Mik, Zbiorowe prawa człowieka, Toruń 1992,
4. R. Wieruszewski, Prawa człowieka. Model prawny, Warszawa 1990
Suplementary references:
1.J. Symonides, V. Volodine(red:), A guide to Himan Rights, Paris 2003,
2.B. Wierzbicki, Prawo międzynarodowe. Matraiały do studiów, Białystok 2000,
3.B. Wierzbicki, Uchodźcy w prawie międzynarodowym, Warszawa 1993