Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Basics of Advertising PS06471
Course content:
- communication process - characteristics
- the concept and genesis of advertising
- objectives, functions and types of advertising
- advertising law and ethics of advertising
- the principle of cooperation with the advertising agency
- advertising planning
- stages of building an effective advertising
* identification of target market segment and establishing objectives of advertising
* develop advertising messages and choice of communication channels
* set the total budget of promotion (advertising)
* choice of specific instruments promotion mix (types of advertisement)
* measurement results of advertisement
* coordination advertising activity with the business strategy
- advertising psychology
Learning outcomes:acquisition of knowledge communicated in the classroom should facilitate the mastering process for planning and advertising
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2011L: | Term 2009L: |
a) basic references:
1.Nowacki R, Reklama, Difin, Warszawa 2006
2.Stróżycki M., Heryszek T., Nowoczesna reklama na współczesnym rynku, Difin, Warszawa 2007
3.Budzyński W., Reklama - techniki skutecznej perswazji, Poltex, Warszawa 2007
4.Janiszewska K, Wiedza o reklami:od pomysłu do efektu, Wyd. Szk. PWN, Warszawa 2009
b) supplementary references:
1.Sztucki T., Promocja. Sztuka pozyskiwania nabywców. Agencja Wydawnicza „PLACET”, Warszawa 1999
2.Wskaźniki marketingowe, Red. R. Kozielski, Oficyna Ekonomiczna, Kraków 2004
3.Zalejski J., Polityka promocji w przedsiębiorstwie, Wyd. WSFiZ, Białystok 2001
4.Pabian A., Promocja: nowoczesne środki i formy, Difin, Warszawa 2008