Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2010/11
International Political Relations PS06177
1. The nature and evolution of international political relations.
2. Factors of international political relations.
3. Operators of international political relations.
a) State
b) international organizations,
c) The European Union,
d) transnational actors.
4. Instruments and mechanisms of international political relations.
a) Diplomatic and consular service,
b) International regimes,
c) transnational networks in international relations,
d) the integration processes in Europe
5. Region and regionalism in international relations.
6. International security.
7. Disputes and conflicts.
8. Arms control and reduction.
9. Human right - the introduction.
10. Culture.
11. Environmental problems - introduction.
12. International economic problems.
13. International social problems.
14. Terrorism.
15. The processes of globalization - the introduction.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knowledge: to introduce students with the basic issues in the field of international political relations, their origins, nature and evolution. Students also defines and describes the entities correctly international political relations. In addition, recognize and explain the basic instruments and mechanisms of international political relations correctly describes the subject of international political relations ..
skills: ability to diagnose international education political, economic, and social. In addition, the student is able to explain, at a basic level, the functioning of the international bodies of political relations in the modern world.
social competence: the student has skills in the sphere of international political relations, taking into account the diversity and ambiguity of the international community.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - written on the assessment in the form of multiple choice test with an extensive cafeteria
Maximum number of points: 10 points
1. 10 - 9.5 points - b.db (5,0)
2. 8, 5 - 8.0 - + db (4,5)
3. 7.5 - 7.0 - db (4,0)
4. 6.5 - 6.0 - dst +(3,5)
5. 5.5 - 5.0 - dst (3,0)
6. 5.0 - 0.0 - ndst (2,0)
Exercise - prepare a written paper (or a multimedia presentation) and present it to the group. To be accompanied by an outline of the paper have an introduction, middle and an end, and conclusions, and a brief summary in a foreign language (English, Russian, German - to choose from). Work should be done in a team (the number of people with the team 2-5). Each person involved in the preparation of outline and presents it to the group.
Subject to assessment: oral presentation delivered in accordance with the principles of correctness of the Polish language and in accordance with generally and currently valid knowledge, which is a logical entity instance.
An extended outline will be reviewed and signed by the teacher and subject to archiving.
Basic references:
1. M. Bankowicz (red.), Historia polityczna świata XX wieku, Warszawa 2006.
2. W. Malendowski, Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczne, Warszawa 2006.
3. W. Szymborski, Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczne, Warszawa 2006.
Supplementary references:
1. S. Bieleń (red:), Prawo w stosunkach międzynarodowych.Wybór dokumentów, Warszawa 2004.
2. E. Haliżak, R. Kuźniar, Stosunki międzynarodowe. Geneza, struktura, dynamika, Warszawa 2000.
3. J. Kukułka, Wstęp do nauki o stosunkach międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2003.
4. G. Michałowska(red:), Mały słownik stosunków międzynarodowych, Warszawa 1999.