Winter Semester 2012/13
Winter Semester 2013/14
Poland in international organizations PS05594
1. Origins of international organizations (including the Polish participation in their creation)
2. Organizational revolution in the twentieth century (Polish activities in the international arena such as participation in UN peacekeeping missions and the EU)
The concept of the International organization Non-governmental organizations (NGS s) - Polish participation in organizations of a humanitarian nature.
4. Classification of international organizations.
5. Organization of inter-subjectivity.
6. Features interstate organizations.
7. Bodies of international organizations.
8. The resolutions of international organizations (the Polish participation in their creation)
9. World organized (level of Polish involvement in the creation and maintenance of modern governance)
Characteristics of selected international organizations:
1. United Nations
2. Council of Europe
3. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
4. The European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
5. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
6. World Trade Organization (WTO)
7. European Union (basic level)
8. Interpol, Europol
9. The Nordic Council
10. League of Arab States
11.Organization of American States (OAS)
12. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Characteristics of Polish initiatives in international organizations:
1. The Eastern Partnership
2. Neighborliness policy
3. The main assumptions of Polish foreign policy
4. UN peacekeeping operations and the EU (Polish participation contingent)
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
student defines and explains the objectives, tasks and functioning of international organizations, taking into account the Polish perspective
student is able to explain the basic functioning of international organizations in the context of Polish participation in contemporary international relations
identifies the major issues related to the activities of international organizations both in the intra-and internationally, can make elemental analysis: UN - United Nations
- NATO - North Atlantic Treaty,
- OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
- OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
- WTO - World Trade Organization,
- Interpol
- Council of Europe,
Visegrad Group and, is able to assess the effectiveness of the organization in the basic range.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - written on the assessment in the form of multiple choice test with an extensive cafeteria
Maximum number of points: 10 points
1. 10 - 9.5 points - b.db (5,0)
2. 8, 5 - 8.0 - + db (4,5)
3. 7.5 - 7.0 - db (4,0)
4. 6.5 - 6.0 - dst +(3,5)
5. 5.5 - 5.0 - dst (3,0)
6. 5.0 - 0.0 - ndst (2,0)
Exercise - prepare a written paper (or a multimedia presentation) and present it to the group. To be accompanied by an outline of the paper have an introduction, middle and an end, and conclusions, and a brief summary in a foreign language (English, Russian, German - to choose from). Work should be done in a team (the number of people with the team 2-5). Each person involved in the preparation of outline and presents it to the group.
Subject to assessment: oral presentation delivered in accordance with the principles of correctness of the Polish language and in accordance with generally and currently valid knowledge, which is a logical entity instance.
An extended outline will be reviewed and signed by the teacher and subject to archiving.
Basic references:
1. S. Parzymies, I. Popiuk-Rysińska, Udział Polski w organizacjach międzynarodowych, Wyd. Scholar, 2012
2. E. Łazniewska, P. Deszczyński (red:), Kompendium wiedzy o organizacjach międzynarodowych, Wyd. PWN, 2011
3. T. Łoś - Nowak, Organizacje w stosunkach międzynarodowych: istota, mechanizmy działania, zasięg, 2009
Suplementary references:
1. S. Bieleń (red:), Prawo w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Wybór dokumentów, Warszawa 2004.
2. E. Haliżak, R. Kuźniar, Stosunki międzynarodowe. Geneza, struktura, dynamika, Warszawa 2000.