Winter Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2014/15
Winter Semester 2015/16
Winter Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2016/17
Winter Semester 2017/18
Winter Semester 2018/19
Town-and-country planning OM2033
Course content:Lectures - investment Process - , administrative and planning legal procedures. Planistyczna.Aktualne documentation legal, formal requirements, the scope and SUiKZP arrangements. Changes in legal conditioning and proceeding of the MPZP project. floodland in development plans. Areas osuwiskowe. Protective zones around emitorów spot, linear and obszarowych.
Design exercises - storage Elements and principles drafting the development plan of a housing estate or a small town. Discussing principles of the traffic routes design in chosen categories of roads. Discussing principles of drafting the land development plan allocated up to investments. Principles of designing the areas intended for the recreation. General arrangements of the plan. Detailed arrangements. Kartu of objects. final Arrangements and attachments.
Term 2017Z:
Relations appearing between documentation carried out in the town-and-country planning. The connection appearing between development plans of different ranks and other conditioning of the plan. Procedures concerning giving their opinion and approving planning documentation carried out. Workmanship study ekofizjograficznego. Carrying out the school of conditioning and directions of the spatial planning for the beloved of the fragment of the commune. Carrying the local development plan out for the beloved of the fragment of the commune. Making of the evaluation of environmental effects the "study of conditioning and directions of the spatial planning of the commune" and of "development plan of the commune", for chosen fragments of the commune. Drawing up environmental effects of the local development plan.. |
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2016Z: | Term 2017Z: | Term 2014Z: | Term 2015Z: | Term 2018Z: | Term 2013Z: | Term 2016L: |
Learning outcomes
1. to define the scope of competence of bodies of the civil service.
2. to characterize environmental conditioning in planning documents.
3. to carry the chosen planning document out.
4. To interpret applied planning solutions.
5. to perceive relations between social needs and documents drawn up.
Assessment criteria
1. acquaintance of bases of theoretical issues provided with the design.
2. ability of the selection of right design answers.
3. ability of the due execution of the plan.
Practical placement
doesn't require
a) podstawowa:
Domański R., Gospodarka przestrzenna, podstawy teoretyczne.Wyd. PWN 2007;
Kamiński Z., Współczesne planowanie wsi w Polsce. Wyd. Politechniki Śląskiej 2008;
Ryszkowski L., Kedziora A., Ochrona środowiska w gospodarce przestrzennej. Wyd, Zakład badań środowiska rolniczego i leśnego PAN 2005.
b) uzupełniająca:
Ustawy i Rozporządzenia dotyczace projektowanych elementów planu.
Term 2017Z:
1. Ustawy i rozporzadzenia właściwego ministra, dotyczace rozwiazywanego problemuplanistycznego. |
Term 2013Z:
lack |
Term 2016Z:
lack of remarks |
Term 2017Z:
lack of remarks |