Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Waste management O16029A
Module content:
Legislation and regulation in field of waste management; Sources and characteristics of waste; Waste analyses methods; Characteristics of waste quantity and quality; Waste collection; Princiles of waste management; Management of special wastes (hazardous); Characteristics of waste management technologies; Possibility of waste minimalisation.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knows the rules of proper waste management,
is able to describe the system of waste managament with use of literature sources, statistical data and data from institutions,
is able to do a mass balance for waste,
is able to assess the existing waste management system, and to suggest the possible of its improvement,
is aware of the responsibility for his decisions,
is able to prepare a presentation cocerning the waste system,
is able to wark in a team.
Assessment criteria
Final exam. One can obtain max. 10 points for exam. The final mark is:
5 - 10 pkt,
4+ - 9 pkt,
4 - 8 pkt,
3+ - 7 pkt,
3 - 6 pkt
project and its disscussion - 15 points
presence on project meetings - 10 points
activity - 5 points
The final mark is:
5 - 30,29,28 pkt;
4+ - 27,26,25 pkt;
4 - 24,23,22 pkt,
3+ - 21,20,19 pkt;
3-18,17,16 pkt
Bogchi A., 2004. Design of Landfills and Integrated Solid Waste Management. John Willey and Son, New York
Carville M., Robinson H., 2005. Leachate treatment. Waste Management World. United Kingdom.
McBean E.A., Rovers F.A., Farguhar G.J, 1995. Solid Waste Landfill Engineering and Design. New Yersey.