Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Hydrology O15060
Course content:
The hydrological cycle, water balance of the Earth. Disposable and renewable water resources. Origin, typology and environmental conditions of water resources forming. Catchment. Rivers, surface water networks. Natural and artificial lakes - origin, types, recharge, thermology and hesitations of stages. Wetlands. River gauging, depth measurement, river flow, dilution gauging. Runoff, river regimes, drought and flood. Flood routing. Water balance. Water management. Water demand of economy. Classification (standards) of water. Hazards, degradation and protection of water resources. Seas and oceans - origin, chemical composition and dynamics of water.
Learning outcomes: Student has the passable skills showed in aims and objectives of the subject.
Course coordinators
Term 2009Z: | Term 2010Z: |
a) basic references:
Bajkiewicz-Grabowska E., Mikulski Z., 1996. Hydrologia ogólna. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa.
Byczkowski A., 1999. Hydrologia, t. I i II. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa.
Mikulski Z., 1998. Gospodarka wodna. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa.
Ozga-Zielińska M., Brzeziński J., 1994. Hydrologia stosowana. Wyd. Nauk. PWN, Warszawa.
Shaw E. M., 2005 (e-book). Hydrology in Practice. Taylor & Francis.
b) supplementary references:
Ciepielowski A., 1999. Podstawy gospodarowania wodą. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa.
Soczyńska U. (red.), 1989. Procesy hydrologiczne. PWN, Warszawa.