Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Land surveying O12208A
The definition of roles and division of geodesy. Geodetic spatial reference system. Warp Geodesic and its division. Measure the length and angle. Basic elements of the bill coordinates. Methodology for measuring horizontal and vertical angles and lengths. Methods of measuring heights. Calculation of area and volume. Instruments used in the measurements: theodolite, leveling, total station, bevel, routers. Maps major in Landscape Architecture. The content of the basic map. Measurements on the maps. Maps for design purposes. Geodetic Network Records Armament Terrain - the rules of creation.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Identifies the geodetic spatial reference systems, including local systems
Knows the rules of surveying and cadastral mapping, the principal and the celówprojektowych
He knows the rules for creating opertatów of measurements, can develop measurement data
Able to recognize the ground elements of terrestrial underground infrastructure able to trace selected matodami indirect network applies the principles of safety
working group, responsible for various sections of the work
Assessment criteria
lecture - written exam; project - completion, presentation and discussion of the project
Practical placement
1. Elementy geodezji w pomiarach inżynierskich (praca zbiorowa). Wyd. Politechniki Białostockiej,1995 2. Jagielski A.: Geodezja I. Kraków2005
3. Gałda M., i inni. : Geodezja i Miernictwo Budowlane. PPWK. Warszawa 1994
4. Przewłocki S.: Geodezja dla kierunków niegeodezyjnych; PWN, Warszawa 2006