Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Winter Semester 2014/15
Hydraulics and Hydrology NO4107
Course content: HYDRAULICS: Phisical and mechanical parameters of liquid. The hydrostatic pressure on straight, bended and twisted walls. Hydrostatic lift and equilibrium of immersible and floating body. Bernoullis equation for perfect and real liquid. The pressure of liquid on moving and immovable hampers. Flow under pressure. Constitutive models of liquid. Open chanels. Cross-section layout for bridge and culvert. Filtration. Drainage of excavation. HYDROLOGY: World and Polish water resources. Kinds of precipitations, their characteristics and measurement. Hydrograf analysis. Water economy. Flood protection. Depth and intensity of the flow. Stream flow and watershed.
Learning outcomes: understanding the static and dynamic interaction of liquid and structure, principles of structure hydrological environment creation and basics of hydrology; study of the design principles of hydraulic nets and open channels
Course coordinators
Term 2012L: | Term 2011L: | Term 2010L: | Term 2009L: |
a) basic references:
Czetwertyuki E.,Szuster A.: Hydraulika i hydrologia, Wyd. Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, W-wa 1997
Kubiak J.: Hydraulika techniczna, Wyd. SGGW, W-wa 1998
Byczkowski A.:Hydrologia t.1 i 2, Wyd. SGGW, W-wa 1992
b) supplementary references:
Puzyrewski R., Sawicki J.: Podstawy mechaniki płynów i hydrauliki, Wyd. Naukowe PWN W-wa 2000
Gryboś R.: Zbiór zadań z technicznej mechaniki płynów, Wyd. Naukowe PWN, W-wa 2002