Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2012/13
Winter Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2015/16
Database Systems MAT2306
Course content:
Introduction to databases. Basics of SQL language. Relational algebra. Expression and function of character. Integrity constraints. Features text and numeric. Formatting the results. Aggregate functions. Stages of relational database design. Nested queries. Normalization of relations. Nested queries. Normalisation of relations continued. Entity relationships diagrams. Nested query in SELECT and FROM. Inquiries from the external connection. Hierarchical queries. Using CONNECT BY PRIOR and START WITH. Operators sets and pseudo collections. SQL 2003.Transakcje. Language DDL and DML. Oracle database objects. Optimising the performance of SQL commands. Data Security in Oracle. Lecture summary semester. Repetition of the SQL language.
Learning outcomes: SQL knowledge and design stages of a relational database.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Ullman J. D.,Widom J.: Podstawowy wykład z systemów baz danych. WNT 2001,
Dudek W.: Bazy danych SQL. Teoria i praktyka, Helion, 2005,
Banachowski L., Chądzyńska A., Mrówka-Matejewska E., Matejewski K., Stencel K., Bazy danych. Wykłady i ćwiczenia, Wydawnictwo PJWSTK, 2003
Beynon-Davies P., Systemy baz danych, WNT, 1998
Elmasri R., Navathe S.B., Wprowadzenie do systemów baz danych, Helion, 2005
b) supplementary references:
Banachowski L., Bazy danych. Tworzenie aplikacji, PLJ, 1998,
Urman S., ORACLE8 PL/SQL Programming,
Wrembel R., Wieczerzycki W., Projektowanie aplikacji bazy danych Oracle, Wydawnictwo Nakom, Poznań 2000
Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J.D. Widom J., Systemy baz danych. Pełny wykład, WNT, 2006
Soren L., SQL and relational databases, San Marcos : Microtrend Books, 1991.