Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2010/11
Capital market KSU01110
Course content: Organized and controls institutions of Polish capital market. The system of quotations Warset, the activity of Stockbroking Offices. Continuous and uniform quotations, the types of orders (with the limit of the price and without the limit), the examples of the realization of the various types of orders in continuous quotations, the animators of the market, packet transactions, access to stock information, supervision and audit over the course of quotations. Allocation shares, the foot of the profit and the risk of the stock, semi deflection, the coefficient of changeability and correlation. Mathematical theory of modelling the portfolio of shares. The technical analysis. The notion of trend and its channel, formations. Stocks with the long-wave potential of the growth. Measures of the growth.
Learning outcomes:the students should be well informed in valid rules on the exchange and construct the portfolio of shares
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2010Z: | Term 2010L: | Term 2009L: |
a) basic references:
1. Wioletta Nawrot, rynek kapitałowy i jego rozwój, CeDeWu, Warszawa 2010
2. Witold Bień, Rynek papierów wartościowych, Difin, Warszawa 2008
3. Wiesław Dębski, Rynek finansowy i jego mechanizmy. Podstawy teorii i praktyki, PWN, Warszawa 2010
4. Paweł Perz, Sztuka inwestowania na GPW: analiza techniczna, strategie inwestycyjne i zarządzanie ryzykiem, K.E. Liber, Warszawa 2008
b) supplementary references:
1. Elżbieta Ostrowska, Rynek kapitałowy, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2007
2. Sebastian Buczek, Andrzej Fierla, Rynek kapitałowy w Polsce i na świecie, SGH, Warszawa 2008
3. Jan Czekaj, Rynki, instrumenty i instytucje finansowe, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008