Winter Semester 2019/20
Materials Science IS-MER0048
Lectures:Structure of materials. Metals structures. Metallurgic thermodynamics. Equilibium constitution and phase diagrams. Strain and deformation. Dislocations, fracture, strengthening. Properties: mechanical properties, corrosion, high temperature creep resistance. Metallic materials. Methods of production and elaboration methods of metals strengthening. Ferrous alloys. Heat treatment, termochemical, termomechanical treatment. Type of steels: steels for general use, alloy steels � constructional, tool, corrosion resisting, heat, creep resisting. Cast iron. Copper and its alloys. Aluminium and its alloys. Alloys for special using. Alloys with a high Rm/? materials). Superalloys. Materials with specific physical properties.Laboratories: Analysis of the mechanical properties of materials. Analysis of the macrostructure. Analysis of microstructure. Microstructure analysis of iron alloys. Ordinary steels, cast iron, special steels. Heat treatment of steel. Copper and its alloys. Aluminium and its alloys. Microstructure of special alloys. Electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy. EDS.