Conducted in
Summer Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019/20
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Polymers and Composites in Medicine II IS-MER0020
Lecture: Classification of plastics and composites. Methods of producing powder and fiber composites. Physicochemical and
rheological properties of polymers. Mechanical properties of plastics and composites. Laboratory: 1) Introduction. Safety work.
Preparation polymers for hydrolytical degradation 2) Methods of plastics identification. 3)Thermomechanical properties of plastics:
Martens and Vicat. 4) Evaluation of MFR and MVR indexes of polymers. 5,6)Preparing and testing of powder and fiber composites. 7)
Investigations of hydrolitycal degradation of polymers.