Winter Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019/20
Hydrology IS-FF-00011
The concept of hydrology and its division. The water cycle in nature. Surface water and said subterranean. The part of the overland hydrological cycle. Rivers and their regime. Characteristics of river outflow. The movement of water, the water level in the river bed. Measures the drain. Flooding and low water. Water balance -surface water and groundwater. Hydrometry. The movements of solids and water chemistry. Probability and hydrological forecasts and flood. The concept of hydrology and its division. The water cycle in nature. Surface water and said subterranean. The part of the overland hydrological cycle. Rivers and their regime. Characteristics of river outflow. The movement of water, the water level in the river bed. Measures the drain. Flooding and low water. Water balance -surface water and groundwater. Hydrometry. The movements of solids and water chemistry. Probability and hydrological forecasts and flood.
Basics of meteorology and climatology