Summer Semester 2019/20
Computational electromagnetics IS-FEE-10045
Description of widely used CAD methods for engineering problems dealing with the electromagnetic field: finite element method and finite difference method. Applications of these methods to electromagnetic issues (static models, low and high frequency).
Partial differencial equations: classification, method of solution.
Physical model vs. mathematical model. Analytical solution vs. simulation. Modeling and Simulation Cycle, modeling methodology.
1D, 2D, 3D modeling. Time domain vs. time harmonic analysis. Narrowband vs. wideband analysis. 2D Mixed-Mode Modeling. Explicit
vs. implicite methods.
Models of materials in computational electromagnetics.
Finite element method: weak form, classification of the elements, test functions. Local and global formulation.
Declaration and physical interpretation of the boundary conditions. Perfectly Matched Layer conditions.
Methods of adaptive meshing. Parametrization of the models. Coupled analysis of the phenomena.
Finite difference calculus: differentia quotiens, differencing, discretization of the domain, spatial difference operators, implicit formulas.
Specialization workshop:
Solution and analysis of some EM phenomena issues using FEM and FDM methods. The specialized software will be implemented.
Students are expected to have knowledge in the field of mathematics, physics, circuit theory, digital and analog electronics, fundamentals of computer
science. The general requirement is that student finished studies on the bachelor�s level in the area of electrical engineering, electronics and
telecommunication or related. In some cases prerequisites are defined.