Winter Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019/20
Power systems IS-FEE-10014
Getting knowledge of power system operation under normal and abnormal conditions. Getting knowledge of per unit system and symmetrical components method to be used in power system analysis. Getting knowledge of the methods and approaches to be used in analysis of load flow, faults and transients analysis.
Introduction to power systems. General requirements and conditions in power systemoperation. Fundamentals of power generation, transmission and distribution. The per-unit system and symmetrical components Power flow analysis. Symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults analysis. Power system transients. Voltage and power control. Protective relays. Individual solving of four case studies which involves: per unit system, load flow and symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults.
Students should have basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, electrical physics, circuit theory, digital and analog electronics, fundamentals of computer science. The general requirement is that student has studied engineering for at least 2 years. In some cases prerequisites are defined.