Conducted in
Summer Semester 2020/21
Summer Semester 2021/22
Summer Semester 2022/23
Summer Semester 2023/24
Summer Semester 2024/25
Summer Semester 2020/21
Summer Semester 2021/22
Summer Semester 2022/23
Summer Semester 2023/24
Summer Semester 2024/25
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Faculty of Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction IS-FCS-00038S
Principles of designing human-computer interfaces. Discussion of audio interfaces, basic psychoacoustic processing, synthesis and speech recognition. Discussion of graphical user interfaces, visual psychophysics, elements 2D and 3D graphics, the creation of windowing GUI applications. Overview of non-traditional interfaces (touch, gestures and motion capture, brain).
Object Oriented Programming