Winter Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019/20
Software Engineering IS-FCS-00014
Requirements issues are essential for documenting and evaluating user needs. Requirements represent the real-world needs of users, customers and other stakeholders affected by the system. Scope and subject of software engineering. Essential motivations and concepts. Areas of software engineering � overview. Classical (waterfall) software lifecycle model. Conceptual modeling. Languages for modeling and specification. Object-oriented analysis using UML. UML Diagrams (Use cases, Modeling of logical system structure: class diagrams, Modeling of system structure: other structural diagrams, Modeling system dynamics: sequence and communication diagrams, Modeling system dynamics: representing object�s state) System design: system architecture. Requirements engineering: requirements determination, requirements specification. Software testing: terms, place in software development process. CASE tools.
Knowledge of object-oriented programming.