Summer Semester 2023/24
Summer Semester 2024/25
Numerical Methods IS-FCS-000102S
Newton and Hermite interpolation. Splines. Mean-square approximation. Numerical methods to solve: nonlinear equations (bisection, secant and Newton methods), systems of linear equations (Gauss and Cholesky methods) and nonlinear equations (Newton method). Deriving matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Numerical integration: definite and multiple integral computing (Gaussian and Newton-Cotes quadratures). Numerical methods for initial value and boundary value problem solving for ordinary differential equations (difference methods and the Runge-Kutta type methods). Examples of numerical methods applications.
Special workshop:
Newton and Hermite interpolation. Splines. Mean-square approximation. Numerical methods to solve: nonlinear equations (bisection, secant and Newton methods), systems of linear equations (Gauss and Cholesky methods) and nonlinear equations (Newton method). Deriving matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Numerical integration: definite and multiple integral computing (Gaussian and Newton-Cotes quadratures). Numerical methods for initial value and boundary value problem solving for ordinary differential equations (difference methods and the Runge-Kutta type methods). Examples of numerical methods applications.