Winter Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019/20
Hydrology IS-FCEE-00023
The hydrological cycle, water balance of the Earth. Disposable and renewable water resources. Origin, typology and environmental conditions of water resources forming. Catchment. Rivers, surface water networks. Natural and artificial lakes - origin, types, recharge, thermology and hesitations of stages. Wetlands. River gauging, depth measurement, river flow, dilution gauging. Runoff, river regimes, drought and flood. Flood routing. Water balance. Water management. Water demand of economy. Classification (standards) of water. Hazards, degradation and protection of water resources. Seas and oceans - origin, chemical composition and dynamics of water.
Skills: Students can describe and interpret hydrological phenomena and processes in connection with environmental conditions, determine basic hydrological parameters, identify water resource hazards. They know basics of water resource protection and basic measurement techniques.
Form of assessment: Final test or written exam
Basic principles of geology, geomorphology, meteorology and climatology