Summer Semester 2009/10
Systems Security I36015
Course content - lecture :
1st Introduction to the lectures, curriculum and assessment criteria.
2nd Fundamentals of mathematics and information theory.
3rd Symmetric cryptosystems - DES.
4th Symmetric cryptosystems - IDEA, Blowfish, AES.
5th Public key cryptosystems.
6th RSA algorithm.
7th Elliptic Curve cryptosystems.
8th Streem cryptosystems.
9th Hash functions: MD5, SHA-1.
10th Digital signature algorithm.
11th Sharing secrets. Shamir Scheme.
12th Zero knowledge proof systems.
13th Access control.
14th Network security.
15th Quantum cryptography.
Course content - specialist lab: Analysis of selected problems introduced during lectures.
Learning outcomes: After the course the student will have a theoretical knowledge of the intellectual property protection and existing algorithms to encrypt and secure information such as digital signatures, hashing funtions, steganography, watermarking.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Podstawy Kryptografii - M. Karboński
2. Wykład z teorii liczb i kryptografii - N. Koblitz
3. Kryptografia w teorii i praktyce - D.R. Stinson
4. Krzywe eliptyczne w kryptografii - I. Blade, G. Seroussi, N. Smart
5. Podpis elektroniczny - W. Dąbrowski, P. Kowalczuk
b) supplementary references:
6. Kryptografia w językach C i C++ - M. Welschenbach
7. Information hiding : steganography and watermarking-attacks and countermeasures - N.F. Johnson
8. Algebraiczne aspekty kryptografii - N. Koblitz
9. Kryptografia : teoria i praktyka zabezpieczania systemów komputerowych - M. Kutyłowski
10. Kryptografia i ochrona danych - D.E. Robling Denning
11. Ochrona danych i zabezpieczenia w systemach teleinformatycznych - J. Stokłosa