Winter Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2014/15
Winter Semester 2015/16
Winter Semester 2016/17
Winter Semester 2017/18
Winter Semester 2018/19
Winter Semester 2019/20
Local Government GS3127
Course content:The genesis and nature of the local self-government. Local self-government in chosen countries of Europe. The organizational structure and the scope of competence of bodies of the self-government body of the commune with changes. Acts of the local entitlement constituted by the self-government body of the commune. Tasks and the scope of competence of the district, wynikajacy from the act about samorzadzie district from June 1998 with changes. Tasks and the scope of competence of the self-government of the province, resulting from the act on the self-government body of the province from June 1998 with changes. Land use in self-government units. Management of council possessions. Financial economy in self-government units. Constituted supervision of activity of local self-governments.
Learning outcomes:cognition strukytur and of scope of competence of individuals samorzadow territorial.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2016Z: | Term 2017Z: | Term 2014Z: | Term 2015Z: | Term 2018Z: | Term 2019Z: | Term 2013Z: |
Learning outcomes
They enable lectures:
1. To determine organizational structures of local self-governments of different ranks;
2. To formulate the scope of competence of self-government bodies. 3. To determine own tasks and additional tasks of self-government individuals;
4. To interpret conducted action.
5. To perceive relations of conducted action in individuals in the aspect of the law being in effect.
Assessment criteria
The evaluation will depend on the ability:
1. Of determining the organizational structure of local self-governments of different ranks;
2. Of formulating the scope of competence of self-government bodies. 3. Of determining problems own and additional tasks of self-government individuals;
4. Of noticing conducted action in individuals in the aspect of the law being in effect.
Practical placement
they aren't required
a) podstawowa:Marszalek Kawa J., Lutrzykowski A., Samorzad terytorialny w Polsce i w Europie. Wyd. adammarszalek. Toruń 2008.
Chądzyński J., Nowakowska A., Przygodzki Z.> Region i jego rozwoj w warunkach globalizacji. Wyd. CEDEWU, Warszawa 2000.
Ustawy i inne akty prawa, dotyczące omawianych zagadnień.
b) uzupełniająca:Propozycje rozwoju wojewodztwa podlaskiego. Wyd. PWSIiP.w Lomży.
Term 2013Z:
lack |
Term 2014Z:
lack |