Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Real Estate Cadastre GPS3228A
The genesis of the real estate cadastre as wielding status register . The design of the real estate cadastre in the Second Republic. Records of land in the postwar period until 1989 . Contemporary records of land and buildings - design resource , its conduct , the principles of sharing and updating. Subject and object of registration of land . Overview of modern cadastre of real estate in selected countries . Common taxation of real estate - the objectives and principles of the method of construction. Factors affecting the estimation of the cadastral value. Methods and instruments reconstruction of the spatial structure and ownership status of the property. The influence of rebuilding state structures and ownership of real estate on the cadastral value . Getting Acquainted with the example of land registry and land registry map . Implementation of the Land Registry portion of the object in an accessible computer system or the traditional version . Execution portion of the cadastral map in the available computer program . Getting Acquainted with exemplary register of buildings. The preparation of fragment register of buildings. Analysis of spatial characteristics affecting the cadastral value of the property to the example chosen for agricultural real estate , forestry and built . Mapping the cadastral value of the selected portion of the space. Estimating the impact of rebuilding state structures and ownership of real estate and the development of technical infrastructure utilities on the cadastral value of the selected example.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes Write min. 4, max. 8 learning outcomes in the following order: knowledge - skills - competences. Each learning outcome must be verifiable. Relevance to the programme learning outcomes
LO1 It has an elementary knowledge and different types of social structures and institutions of social life and relationships occurring between them, and also a basic knowledge of sociology; It has an elementary knowledge of designing and conducting research in the field of social and economic, in particular research problems, methods, techniques and research tools; It has a basic knowledge of the socio-cultural determinants of spatial management. K_W04
LO2 He knows the basic terminology and procedures in the subjects implemented under the legal sciences, understand their source and application in practice; It has a basic knowledge of the structure and function of the legal system, its purposes, foundations, organization and functioning;
He knows the essence and the legal and economic conditions of the functioning of the local government and the local economy K_W06
LO3 It has a structured knowledge on the economic advantages of space and the rational management of space management. K_W07
LO4 It has a basic knowledge of surveying and mapping (eg on spatial reference systems and methods of data collection); It has a structured knowledge on the use of analogue maps and numerical solving spatial tasks); It has a basic knowledge of geographical spatial information systems (in particular the creation of spatial databases and spatial analysis) K_W12
LO5 Can obtain information from literature, databases, and other sources; able to integrate the information obtained, to make their interpretation, as well as draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions K_U01
LO6 He can use known mathematical and statistical methods to analyze and evaluate data related to the area of spatial planning; Has the ability to mathematically describe the issues and various dynamic processes in the field of spatial planning; Can make use of statistical tools for research related to spatial planning K_U19
LO7 Understands the need for learning throughout life, especially in order to improve their professional competence and personal K_K01
LO8 Responsibly preparing to perform an important role in society, develops and performs tasks in the work;
Able to contribute to the preparation of social projects, taking into account the legal, economic and political K_K05
Assessment criteria
lecture - written test; project - completion, presentation and discussion of the project
Practical placement
Rozporządzenie Ministra Rozwoju regionalnego i Budownictwa z dnia 29 marca 2001 r w sprawie ewidencji gruntów i budynków (Dz. U. z 2001 r. i Nr 38 poz. 454) Instrukcja Techniczna G-5 Ewidencja gruntów i budynków
Wilkowski W., Jaroszewska M.: Kataster nieruchomości. Przepisy prawa i komentarze; Wilkowski W. i współaut.: Współczesne problemy katastru i gospodarki nieruchomościami; Kucharska - Stasiak E.: Nieruchomość a rynek, Wydaw. Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2005; Malina R., Kowalczyk M.: Geodezja katastralna, Wyd. Gall, Katowice 2009