Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Natural conditions of the space management GN4040
Course content:
Basic elements of the natural environment. Endogenic and egzogenic processes shaping earth surface. Matter and energy cycles in the environment. Natural resources as a basis of the space management. The natural limitation of the socio-economical development. Geoecosystems. Transformations of the natural environment. Ecophysiographical study.
Assessment of the natural resources based on the soil properties. Valorization of the agricultural production space according to IUNG method. Assessment of the terrein usefulness for buildings.
Learning outcomes:Ability to assess the inluence of the enviromnent on the space management trends and to predict the influence of the specific way of space management on the environment trandformation.
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Domański R., Gospodarka przestrzenna. Podstawy teoretyczne., PWN, 2007
Minorski J., Środowisko przyrodnicze a gospodarka przestrzenna., Arkady, 1977
Zimny H., Ekologiczna ocena stanu środowiska. Bioindykacja i biomonitoring., Warszawa 2006
b) supplementary references:
Starkel L. (red.), Geografia Polski. Środowisko przyrodnicze., PWN, 1991
Weiner J., Życie i ewolucja biosfery., PWN, 2005
Szyszko J. (red.), Ocena i wycena zasobów przyrodniczych., Wyd. SGGW, 2002
Mark Deakin and Martin Symes.Sustainable urban development.Vol.1,The framework and protocols for environmental assessment /ed. by Steven Curwell, London ; New York : Routledge, 2005.