Winter Semester 2013/14
Numerical maps GN3119
Course content:
Maps as source of spatial data.
Gauss-Krüger and Mercator projections as basic map projections applied in Poland.
Geodetic reference systems applied in Poland.
The infrastructure of spatial information and LIS.
Numerical maps.
Spatial data - models, organization and analysis.
Digital terrain models - data structures, creating and processing,
Basic maps (analog and numerical).
Topographical maps (analog and numerical).
Maps nomenclature.
Generalization of maps.
Data sources for numerical maps - geodesy, photogrammetry, digitalisation of analog maps.
Chosen the programmes to creating of numerical maps.
Measurements and spatial analyses on numerical map.
Planning and project works on numerical map.
Learning outcomes:
The acquaintance of principles of creating of numeric maps as well as the contained the utilization on them spatial information.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- owns and interprets knowledge of basic topographic map as a component of the National SIT
- know the essence of digital maps and describes various aspects, conditions and methods of their creation
- versed in use in Poland, spatial reference systems, cartography and nomenclature odzorowaniach map
- can acquire geospatial data from multiple sources in order to create or update maps
- prepare the documentation of text and graphics on the use of geospatial data and maps
- can apply the theoretical knowledge gained by using it in the tasks related to the management of space
- understands the need for continuous improvement of their professional skills and personal
- responsibly preparing for the profession
Assessment criteria
Conditions for course credition:
- pass a written test falling under lecture (current score rating scale)
- construction and defense of the sampling in the laboratory (current score rating scale)
Practical placement
not applicable
a) basic references:
Gaździcki J.: Systemy informacji przestrzennej. PPWK, Warszawa, 1990.
Kowalczyk K.: Wybrane zagadnienia z rysunku map. Wyd. UW-M, Olsztyn, 2007.
Izdebski W.: Wykłady z przedmiotu SIT / mapa zasadnicza. (
Osada E.: Krajowy system informacji o terenie. Wydawnictwo Naukowe DSW, Wrocław 2009.
Operating manual of programms WinKalk and MikroMap (
Operating manual of programm C-Geo (
b) supplementary references: