Summer Semester 2007/08
Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Computer Science 1 EZ1A200010
Course content:
Analog and digital form of information. Units of digital information. Arithmetic of computer systems. Numeral systems. Numbers and characters coding. IEEE 754 standard. Boolean algebra. Classification of computer systems. The von Neummann and the Harvard architectures. The conceptual design and fundamental operational structure of a computer system. Algorithms: definition, classifications and notations. Computational complexity. Classification of programming languages. C programming: variables, types, constants, operators, expressions, conditional instructions, loops, arrays, character arrays, structures, functions, arguments passing, operations on files. Object oriented programming in C++: classes, objects, constructors and destructors, derivations, operators overloading, virtual functions.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding principles of conceptual design and fundamental operational structure of a computer system. Structured programming skills in C or C++ language.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Pochopień B.: Arytmetyka systemów cyfrowych. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice, 2003.
2. Stallings W.: Organizacja i architektura systemu komputerowego. WNT, Warszawa, 2004.
3. Malina W., Szwoch M.: Metodologia i techniki programowania. PWN, Warszawa, 2008.
4. Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M.: Język ANSI C. Wydanie II. Helion, Gliwice, 2010.
5. Grębosz J.: Symfonia C++ standard. Tom 1 i 2. Wydawnictwo Edition 2000, Kraków, 2006.
b) supplementary references:
1. Tanenbaum A.S.: Strukturalna organizacja systemów komputerowych. Helion, Gliwice, 2006.
2. Wojtuszkiewicz W.: Urządzenia techniki komputerowej. PWN, Warszawa, 2007.
3. Cormen T.H. i in.: Wprowadzenie do algorytmów. WNT, Warszawa, 2007.
4. Wróblewski P.: Algorytmy, struktury danych i techniki programowania. Wydanie IV. Helion, Gliwice, 2009.
5. Patterson D.A., Hennessy J.L.: Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2009.