Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Circuit Theory ES3A100001
Course content: Fundamental values: current, voltage, energy, power. Circuit's elements: resistor, coil, capacitor. Circuits of direct current - the Ohm's law, the Kirchhof's law, power of direct current. Methods of solving analysis of circuits. The symbolic complex number method. Electrical power(active and reactive). Resonance phenomena in series and parallel RLC circuits. Magnetic coupled circuits. The three-phase circuits. Transient phenomena in electrical circuits. Commutation laws. Two-port networks. The circuits under nonsinusoidal excitation. Electrical power in nonsinusoidal circuits.
Learning outcomes: ability to describe electrical circuits in stady state and their analysis, ability to describe the electrical circuits under nonsinusoidal excitation and their analysis, and also ability to describe three-phase circuits and their analysis.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1.Bolkowski S.: Teoria obwodów elektrycznych. WNT, Warszawa 2008.
2.Osiowski J. Szabatin J.: Podstawy teorii obwodów. WNT, Warszawa 2003.
3.Bolkowski St.,Brociek W., Rawa H.: Teoria obwodów elektrycznych-zadania. WNT, Warszawa 2006.
4.Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją J. Makala: Zadania z podstaw elektrotechniki. Wyd. PB, Białystok 2006.
b) supplementary references:
1.Thomas R.E., Rosa A. J., Toussaint G.J.: The Analysis & Design of Linear Circuits. 6th ed, Wiley Inc. 2009.
2.Tung L.J., Kwan B.W.: Circuit Analysis. World Scientific 2001.
3.Tadeusiewicz M.: Teoria obwodów, cz. 1. Wyd. PŁ, Łódź 2000.
4.Bolkowski St.: Elektrotechnika. WSiP, Warszawa 2010.
5.Irvin J.D., Nelms R.M.: Basic Engineering Circuits Analysis. International Student Version. 9th ed. John Wiley&Sons.Inc. 2008.