Winter Semester 2007/08
Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Physics 1 ES1A100002
Course content:
I.Vibr.motion.The harm.mechanical vibr.The velocity,the acceleration,the kinetic energy,the potencjal energy and the total energy of harmonic oscilators.The simple oscilators-matematical pendulum and physical pendulum. The electromagenetic vibrations in the LC-circuit.The damped vibracions. The electromagnetic vibracions in the RLC-circuits.The forsed vibracions.The resonance.The resonance vibrations in the RLC-circuits.The two-degree-of-freedom vibracions. The modulacion. The Lissajous figures.
II. The wawes.The plane wave equation. The standing wave. The differencial equation of wave. The wave acoustics.The sound waves. The Doppler effect. The other waves. The reflection and the refraction of waves The light wave interference. The two-beam interference.The Huygens-Fresnel
principle. The Fresnel mirrors.The interference in thin films.
understanding of physical effects and processes in nature, defining basic physical quantities for vibrational and wave motion.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2009Z: | Term 2010Z: |
a) basic references: Fundamentals of physics:
David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker PWN 2003
b) supplementary references:
1. W.Greiner.Mechanics. Springer. Germany.
2. W.Greiner.Quantum Mechanics.An Introduction.
Springer. Germany.